Benedetto Lepori
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Cited by
A review of literature on evaluating the scientific, social and political impact of social sciences and humanities research
E Reale, D Avramov, K Canhial, C Donovan, R Flecha, P Holm, C Larkin, ...
Research Evaluation 27 (4), 298-308, 2018
Comparing the evolution of national research policies: what patterns of change?
B Lepori, P van den Besselaar, M Dinges, B Potì, E Reale, S Slipersæter, ...
Science and Public Policy 34 (6), 372-388, 2007
European universities as complete organizations? Understanding identity, hierarchy and rationality in public organizations
M Seeber, B Lepori, M Montauti, J Enders, H De Boer, E Weyer, I Bleiklie, ...
Public management review 17 (10), 1444-1474, 2015
NPM, network governance and the university as a changing professional organization
I Bleiklie, J Enders, B Lepori, C Musselin
The Ashgate research companion to new public management, 161-176, 2016
The European university landscape: A micro characterization based on evidence from the Aquameth project
C Daraio, A Bonaccorsi, A Geuna, B Lepori, L Bach, P Bogetoft, ...
Research policy 40 (1), 148-164, 2011
Performance-based research funding in EU Member States—a comparative assessment
T Zacharewicz, B Lepori, E Reale, K Jonkers
Science and public policy 46 (1), 105-115, 2019
Patterns of strategies in Swiss higher education institutions
T Fumasoli, B Lepori
Higher Education 61, 157-178, 2011
Organizations as penetrated hierarchies: Environmental pressures and control in professional organizations
I Bleiklie, J Enders, B Lepori
Organization Studies 36 (7), 873-896, 2015
Coordination modes in public funding systems
B Lepori
Research policy 40 (3), 355-367, 2011
Research in Higher Education Institutions Outside the University Sector
S Kyvik, B Lepori
The Research Mission of Higher Education Institutions outside the University …, 2010
Managing universities: Policy and organizational change from a Western European comparative perspective
I Bleiklie, J Enders, B Lepori
Springer, 2017
The Research Mission of Higher Education Institutions Outside the University Sector: Striving for Differentiation
S Kyvik, B Lepori
Springer, 2010
Competition for talent. Country and organizational-level effects in the internationalization of European higher education institutions
B Lepori, M Seeber, A Bonaccorsi
Research policy 44 (3), 789-802, 2015
The research mission of universities of applied sciences and the future configuration of higher education systems in Europe
B Lepori, S Kyvik
Higher Education Policy 23, 295-316, 2010
Indicators for comparative analysis of public project funding: concepts, implementation and evaluation
B Lepori, P Van den Besselaar, M Dinges, B Van der Meulen, B Potì, ...
Research evaluation 16 (4), 243-255, 2007
Budgetary allocation and organizational characteristics of higher education institutions: a review of existing studies and a framework for future research
B Lepori, J Usher, M Montauti
Higher Education 65, 59-78, 2013
New perspectives and challenges for the design and production of S&T indicators
B Lepori, R Barré, G Filliatreau
Research Evaluation 17 (1), 33-44, 2008
Changing models and patterns of higher education funding: some empirical evidence
B Lepori, M Benninghoff, B Jongbloed, C Salerno, S Slipersæter
Universities and Strategic Knowledge Creation: Specialization and …, 2007
Decision-making power and institutional logic in higher education institutions: A comparative analysis of European universities
SK Canhilal, B Lepori, M Seeber
Towards a comparative institutionalism: Forms, dynamics and logics across …, 2016
Indicators on individual higher education institutions: addressing data problems and comparability issues
A Bonaccorsi, C Daraio, B Lepori, S Slipersaeter
Research evaluation 16 (2), 66-78, 2007
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Articles 1–20