Ariadna Garcia Prado
Ariadna Garcia Prado
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Policy and regulatory responses to dual practice in the health sector
A García-Prado, P Gonzalez
Health Policy 84 (2-3), 142-152, 2007
Accounting for quality in the measurement of hospital performance: evidence from Costa Rica
P Arocena, A García‐Prado
Health Economics 16 (7), 667-685, 2007
Whom do physicians work for? An analysis of dual practice in the health sector
A García-Prado, P González
Journal of health politics, policy and law 36 (2), 265-294, 2011
The impact of hospital management reforms on absenteeism in Costa Rica
A García-Prado, M Chawla
Health Policy and planning 21 (2), 91-100, 2006
Maternity waiting homes and institutional birth in Nicaragua: policy options and strategic implications
A García Prado, R Cortez
The International journal of health planning and management 27 (2), 150-166, 2012
Lockdown strictness and mental health effects among older populations in Europe
A García-Prado, P González, YF Rebollo-Sanz
Economics & Human Biology 45, 101116, 2022
Risk attitudes in medical decisions for others: an experimental approach
A Arrieta, A García‐Prado, P González, JL Pinto‐Prades
Health Economics 26, 97-113, 2017
Mejoramiento del desempeño laboral de los trabajadores del sector salud: el caso de Nicaragua
R Cortez, AG Prado
Apuntes: Revista de Ciencias Sociales 38 (69), 81-100, 2011
Sweetening the Carrot: Motivating public physicians for better performance
A Garcia-Prado
World Bank Publications, 2005
The private health care sector and the provision of prenatal care services in Latin America
A Arrieta, A García-Prado, J Guillén
World Development 39 (4), 579-587, 2011
Serie sobre hospitalizaciones evitables y fortalecimiento de la atención primaria en salud: El caso de México
G Rodriguez Abrego, B Zurita, T Ramírez Sánchez, JJ Herrera Rojas
Inter-American Development Bank, 2012
Using visual stimuli to promote healthy snack choices among children
JM Benito-Ostolaza, R Echavarri, A Garcia-Prado, N Oses-Eraso
Social Science & Medicine 270, 113587, 2021
Cost sharing and hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions
A Arrieta, A García-Prado
Social Science & Medicine 124, 115-120, 2015
El pluriempleo entre los profesionales sanitarios: un análisis de sus causas e implicaciones
A Garcia-Prado, P González
Gaceta Sanitaria 20 (2), 29-40, 2006
The impact of contracting in and contracting out basic health services: the Guatemalan experience
J Cristia, AG Prado, C Peluffo
World Development 70, 215-227, 2015
Changing behavioral patterns related to maternity and childbirth in rural and poor populations: A critical review
A Garcia-Prado
The World Bank Research Observer 34 (1), 95-118, 2019
Las casas maternas en Nicaragua
R Cortez, A García Prado, H Kok, C Largaespada
Washington, DC: Banco Mundial and Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID …, 2008
Who do physicians work for?
A García-Prado, P González
Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Department of Economics Working Papers, 2006
Non-elective C-sections in public hospitals: capacity constraints and doctor incentives
A Arrieta, A García Prado
Applied Economics 48 (49), 4719-4731, 2016
How to change behavior to improve maternal and neonatal health in rural areas of Latin America
AG Prado
Inter-American Development Bank, 2016
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