Glenn Magerman
Glenn Magerman
Associate Professor of Economics, ECARES, ULB
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The origins of firm heterogeneity: A production network approach
AB Bernard, E Dhyne, G Magerman, K Manova, A Moxnes
Journal of Political Economy 130 (7), 1765-1804, 2022
Imperfect Competition in Firm-to-Firm Trade
K Kikkawa, G Magerman, E Dhyne
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2022
The Belgian production network 2002-2012
E Dhyne, G Magerman, S Rubínová
NBB Working Paper, 2015
Heterogeneous firms and the micro origins of aggregate fluctuations
G Magerman, K De Bruyne, E Dhyne, H Van Hove
National Bank of Belgium Working Paper 312, 2016
COVID-19 and the role of inequality in French regional departments
V Ginsburgh, G Magerman, I Natali
The European Journal of Health Economics 22, 311-327, 2021
Distance and border effects in international trade: A comparison of estimation methods
G Magerman, Z Studnicka, J Van Hove
Economics 10 (1), 20160018, 2016
Building an alliance to map global supply networks
A Pichler, C Diem, A Brintrup, F Lafond, G Magerman, G Buiten, TY Choi, ...
Science 382 (6668), 270-272, 2023
Revealed multilateral trade resistance in gravity models: a network approach
K De Bruyne, G Magerman, J Van Hove
Proceedings of the ETSG Fifteenth Annual Conference, Birmingham, 2013
The gravity of intermediate goods
P Conconi, G Magerman, A Plaku
Review of Industrial Organization 57, 223-243, 2020
Pecking order and core‐periphery in international trade
G Magerman, K De Bruyne, J Van Hove
Review of International Economics 28 (4), 1113-1141, 2020
Price updating in production networks
C Duprez, G Magerman
NBB Working Paper, 2018
The impact of firm-level Covid rescue policies on productivity growth and reallocation
J Konings, G Magerman, D Van Esbroeck
European Economic Review 157, 104508, 2023
Multinational Networks and Trade Participation
P Conconi, F Leone, G Magerman, C Thomas
ECARES, CEPR, CESifo & CEP Working Paper, 1-59, 2024
Structural identification of productivity under biased technological change
L Cherchye, T Demuynck, B De Rock, C Duprez, G Magerman, ...
FEB Research Report Department of Economics, 2022
A theory of equality and growth
B Bernon, G Magerman
Housing inequality and how fiscal policy shapes it: Evidence from Belgian real estate
G Domènech-Arumí, PE Gobbi, G Magerman
NBB Working Paper, 2022
Correspondences of EU Product Classifications
G Magerman
A Roadmap for Policy Choices after the Lock-down: the Role of Supply Chains, Networks and Key Strategic Sectors
J Konings, B Grassi, G Magerman
VIVES Discussion Paper, 2021
E-Marketing voor muzikanten
G Magerman
Antwerpen: Hogeschool Antwerpen, 2009
Deglobalization and reorganization of supply chains: Effects on regional inequalities in the EU
G Magerman, A Palazzolo
National Bank of Belgium, 2024
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