Mari Romarheim Haugen
Mari Romarheim Haugen
Researcher, RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion, University of
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Mumyo–evaluating and exploring the myo armband for musical interaction
K Nymoen, MR Haugen, AR Jensenius
Louisiana State University, 2015
Exploring sound-motion similarity in musical experience
RI Godøy, M Song, K Nymoen, MR Haugen, AR Jensenius
Journal of New Music Research 45 (3), 210-222, 2016
Moving to the beat: Studying entrainment to micro-rhythmic changes in pulse by motion capture
A Danielsen, MR Haugen, AR Jensenius
Timing & time perception 3 (1-2), 133-154, 2015
Investigating periodic body motions as a tacit reference structure in Norwegian telespringar performance
MR Haugen
Empirical Musicology Review 11 (2-3), 272-294, 2016
Studying rhythmical structures in norwegian folk music and dance using motion capture technology: a case study of norwegian telespringar
MR Haugen
Musikk og tradisjon, 27-52, 2014
Music-Dance. Investigating Rhythm Structures in Brazilian Samba and Norwegian Telespringar Performance
MR Haugen
07 Oslo Media, 2016
Effect of tempo on relative note durations in a performed samba groove
MR Haugen, A Danielsen
Journal of New Music Research 49 (4), 349-361, 2020
Rhythmical structures in music and body movement in samba performance
MR Haugen, RI Godøy
Investigating Music-Dance Relationships: A Case Study of Norwegian Telespringar
MR Haugen
Journal of Music Theory 65 (1), 17-38, 2021
Asymmetrical meter in Scandinavian folk music and dance-A case study of Norwegian Telespringar
MR Haugen
Haugen, Mari Romarheim (2016) Music-Dance. Investigating Rhythm Structures …, 2015
Investigating musical meter as shape: Two case studies of Brazilian samba and Norwegian Telespringar
MR Haugen
IPEM, University of Ghent, Belgium, 2017
Sound-producing actions in guitar performance of groove-based microrhythm
GS Câmara, G Sioros, K Nymoen, MR Haugen, A Danielsen
Empirical Musicology Review 18 (1), 21-36, 2023
Evaluating input devices for dance research
MR Haugen, K Nymoen
Music, Mind, and Embodiment: 11th International Symposium, CMMR 2015 …, 2016
Instructed timing and body posture in guitar and bass playing in groove performance
MR Haugen, GS Câmara, K Nymoen, A Danielsen
Musicae Scientiae 28 (3), 407-420, 2024
MR Haugen
Investigating rhythm structures in Brazilian Samba and Norwegian …, 2016
There’s more to timing than time: Investigating musical microrhythm across disciplines and cultures
A Danielsen, R Brøvig, KK Bøhler, GS Câmara, MR Haugen, E Jacobsen, ...
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 41 (3), 176-198, 2024
Rhythmical structures in music and body motion in Afro-Brazilian samba and Norwegian telespringar
MR Haugen
International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology, 2014
Musikken som danser: Om sammenhenger mellom musikk og bevegelse i samba.
MR Haugen
Musical Meter as Shape: An Embodied Perspective on Metrical Trajectories and Curves
MR Haugen
Sonic Design 12, 37-48, 2024
An Embodied Perspective on Rhythm in Music–Dance Genres
MR Haugen
Performing Time: Synchrony and Temporal Flow in Music and Dance, 151-158, 2023
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