Alessandro Tampieri
Alessandro Tampieri
Associate professor, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and CREA, University of Luxembourg
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Incentives, performance and desirability of socially responsible firms in a Cournot oligopoly
L Lambertini, A Tampieri
Economic Modelling 50, 40-48, 2015
Cournot competition and “green” innovation: An inverted-U relationship
L Lambertini, J Poyago-Theotoky, A Tampieri
Energy Economics 68, 116-123, 2017
CSR in an asymmetric duopoly with environmental externalities
A Tampieri, L Lambertini, A Palestini
Southern Economic Journal 83 (1), 236-252, 2016
Vertical differentiation in a Cournot industry: The Porter hypothesis and beyond
L Lambertini, A Tampieri
Resource and Energy Economics 34 (3), 374-380, 2012
Corporate social responsibility and firms’ ability to collude
L Lambertini, A Tampieri
Board directors and corporate social responsibility, 167-178, 2012
Happiness in Italian cities
C Bernini, A Tampieri
Regional Studies, 2019
Low-quality leadership in a vertically differentiated duopoly with Cournot competition
L Lambertini, A Tampieri
Economics Letters 115 (3), 396-398, 2012
Stability and Cooperative Solution in Stochastic Games
A Tampieri, EM Parilina
Theory and Decision, 2018
Airport capacity and inefficiency in slot allocation
PM Picard, A Tampieri, X Wan
International Journal of Industrial Organization 62, 330-357, 2019
The effects of environmental quality misperception on investments and regulation
L Lambertini, G Pignataro, A Tampieri
International Journal of Production Economics 225, 107579, 2020
Trade costs, FDI incentives, and the intensity of price competition
GF Gori, L Lambertini, A Tampieri
International Journal of Economic Theory 10 (4), 371-385, 2014
Do minimum quality standards bite in polluting industries?
L Lambertini, A Tampieri
Research in Economics 66 (2), 184-194, 2012
The effects of educational assortative matching on job and marital satisfaction
A Tampieri
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 98, 101883, 2022
The mediating role of urbanization on the composition of happiness
C Bernini, A Tampieri
Papers in Regional Science 101 (3), 639-658, 2022
Students’ Social Origins and Targeted Grading
A Tampieri
The BE Journal of Theoretical Economics 20 (1), 20170146, 2019
On the private and social incentives to adopt environmentally and socially responsible practices in a monopoly industry
L Lambertini, A Tampieri
Journal of Cleaner Production 426, 139036, 2023
On the optimal number of firms in the commons: Cournot vs bertrand
D Dragone, L Lambertini, A Palestini, A Tampieri
Mathematical Economics Letters 1 (1), 25-34, 2013
Minimum quality standards in hedonic markets with environmental externalities
G Ecchia, L Lambertini, A Tampieri
Environmental Modeling & Assessment 18, 319-323, 2013
On the evolutionary interplay between environmental CSR and emission tax
G Iannucci, A Tampieri
Energy Economics 128, 107165, 2023
Private versus public companies with strategic CSR
A Gioffré, A Tampieri, A Villanacci
Journal of Economics 133, 129-166, 2021
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