Susana C. Santos
Cited by
Cited by
Entrepreneurship ecosystems and women entrepreneurs: A social capital and network approach
X Neumeyer, SC Santos, A Caetano, P Kalbfleisch
Small Business Economics 53, 475-489, 2019
Sustainable business models, venture typologies, and entrepreneurial ecosystems: A social network perspective
X Neumeyer, SC Santos
Journal of Cleaner Production 172, 4565-4579, 2018
Entrepreneurial self-efficacy and intentions: Outcome expectations as mediator and subjective norms as moderator
SC Santos, EW Liguori
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 2019
Overcoming barriers to technology adoption when fostering entrepreneurship among the poor: The role of technology and digital literacy
X Neumeyer, SC Santos, MH Morris
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2020
Satisfaction with job aspects: Do patterns change over time?
P Spagnoli, A Caetano, SC Santos
Journal of Business Research 65 (5), 609-616, 2012
Who is left out: exploring social boundaries in entrepreneurial ecosystems
X Neumeyer, SC Santos, MH Morris
The Journal of Technology Transfer 44, 462-484, 2019
Recognizing opportunities across campus: The effects of cognitive training and entrepreneurial passion on the business opportunity prototype
SF Costa, SC Santos, D Wach, A Caetano
Journal of Small Business Management, 2017
Entrepreneurship education in a poverty context: An empowerment perspective
SC Santos, X Neumeyer, MH Morris
Journal of Small Business Management 57, 6-32, 2019
Entrepreneurship as a solution to poverty in developed economies
MH Morris, SC Santos, X Neumeyer
Business Horizons 63 (3), 377-390, 2020
Psychosocial aspects of entrepreneurial potential
SC Santos, A Caetano, L Curral
Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 26 (6), 661-685, 2013
What’s love got to do with it? Team entrepreneurial passion and performance in new venture teams
SC Santos, MS Cardon
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 43 (3), 475-504, 2019
The great divides in social entrepreneurship and where they lead us
MH Morris, SC Santos, DF Kuratko
Small business economics 57, 1089-1106, 2021
Self-employment and eudaimonic well-being: Energized by meaning, enabled by societal legitimacy
U Stephan, SM Tavares, H Carvalho, JJS Ramalho, SC Santos, ...
Journal of Business Venturing 35 (6), 106047, 2020
Atitude dos estudantes universitários face ao empreendedorismo: Como identificar o potencial empreendedor?
SC Santos, A Caetano, L Curral
Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestăo 9 (4), 2-14, 2010
European universities seeking entrepreneurial paths: the moderating effect of contextual variables on the entrepreneurial orientation-performance relationship
A Riviezzo, SC Santos, F Lińán, MR Napolitano, F Fusco
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 141, 232-248, 2019
How digitalization reinvented entrepreneurial resilience during COVID-19
SC Santos, EW Liguori, E Garvey
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 189, 122398, 2023
Overcoming the liability of poorness: disadvantage, fragility, and the poverty entrepreneur
MH Morris, DF Kuratko, DB Audretsch, SC Santos
Small Business Economics, 1-15, 2020
The dark side of entrepreneurship education: A delphi study on dangers and unintended consequences
C Bandera, SC Santos, EW Liguori
Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, 2515127420944592, 2020
Predictors of entrepreneurial activity before and during the European economic crisis
SC Santos, A Caetano, P Spagnoli, SF Costa, X Neumeyer
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 13, 1263-1288, 2017
Poverty and entrepreneurship in developed economies
MH Morris, SC Santos, X Neumeyer
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018
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Articles 1–20