Anna van Yperen
Anna van Yperen
Department of Geosciences, Oslo University
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Cited by
Environmental impact and magnitude of paleosol carbonate carbon isotope excursions marking five early Eocene hyperthermals in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
HA Abels, V Lauretano, AE Van Yperen, T Hopman, JC Zachos, ...
Climate of the Past 12 (5), 1151-1163, 2016
Internal mouth‐bar variability and preservation of subordinate coastal processes in low‐accommodation proximal deltaic settings (Cretaceous Dakota Group, New Mexico, USA)
AE Van Yperen, M Poyatos‐Moré, JM Holbrook, I Midtkandal
The Depositional Record 6 (2), 431-458, 2020
Coalesced delta-front sheet-like sandstone bodies from highly avulsive distributary channels: the low-accommodation Mesa Rica Sandstone (Dakota Group, New Mexico, USA)
AE Van Yperen, JM Holbrook, M Poyatos-Moré, I Midtkandal
Journal of Sedimentary Research 89 (7), 654-678, 2019
Growth‐faults from delta collapse–structural and sedimentological investigation of the Last Chance delta, Ferron Sandstone, Utah
A Braathen, I Midtkandal, MJ Mulrooney, TR Appleyard, BG Haile, ...
Basin Research 30 (4), 688-707, 2018
Supradetachment to rift basin transition recorded in continental to marine deposition; Paleogene Bandar Jissah Basin, NE Oman
CS Serck, A Braathen, S Olaussen, PT Osmundsen, I Midtkandal, ...
Basin Research 33 (1), 544-569, 2021
Carbon isotope excursions in paleosol carbonate marking five early Eocene hyperthermals in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
HA Abels, V Lauretano, A van Yperen, T Hopman, JC Zachos, LJ Lourens, ...
Clim. Past Discuss 11, 1857-1885, 2015
Low‐accommodation and backwater effects on sequence stratigraphic surfaces and depositional architecture of fluvio‐deltaic settings (Cretaceous Mesa Rica Sandstone, Dakota …
AE Van Yperen, JM Holbrook, M Poyatos‐Moré, C Myers, I Midtkandal
Basin Research 33 (1), 513-543, 2021
Revised stratigraphic relationships of the Dakota Group in the Tucumcari Basin, San Miguel County, New Mexico, USA
AE Van Yperen, LH Line, JM Holbrook, M Poyatos-Moré, I Midtkandal
New Mexico Geological Society 70th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, 89-100, 2019
Early Cretaceous Arctic palaeotopography as constrained by Barents Sea sediment budget
I Midtkandal, JM Holbrook, JI Faleide, C Myers, AE van Yperen, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, T43I-0525, 2018
Backwater length estimates in modern and ancient fluvio-deltaic settings: Review and proposal of standardized workflows
AE van Yperen, JM Holbrook, M Poyatos-Moré, I Midtkandal
Earth-Science Reviews 250, 104692, 2024
Using delta channel width to estimate paleodischarge in the rock record: geometric scaling and practical sampling criteria
OA Prasojo, AE Van Yperen, TB Hoey, A Owen, R Williams
Journal of Sedimentary Research 94 (1), 62-75, 2024
La influencia de los procesos marinos en la arquitectura fluvial de las formaciones Montllobar y Castigaleu (Ypresiense, Pirineos)
A Toribio, A van Yperen, MP More, J Fusté, D Gómez-Gras, E López, ...
Geotemas (Madrid), 168, 2024
Caracterización 3D de heterogeneidades sedimentarias y su impacto en las propiedades de reservorio en areniscas fluviales amalgamadas: Formación Montllobar (Ypresiense, Cuenca …
G Bello, F Tejedor, MP More, P Cabello, A van Yperen, J Holbrook, ...
Geotemas (Madrid), 105, 2024
Obtaining backwater length estimates in modern and ancient fluvio-deltaic settings: review and proposal of standardized workflows
A van Yperen, JM Holbrook, M Poyatos-Moré, I Midtkandal
EarthArXiv, 2023
Practical sampling criteria for using delta channel width to estimate paleodischarge in the rock record
OA Prasojo, A van Yperen, TB Hoey, A Owen, RD Williams
EarthArXiv, 2022
Assessing Predictability of Changes in Tide-influenced Channel Morphology
AE van Yperen, JM Holbrook, M Poyatos-Moré, I Midtkandal
AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021
Internal mouth-bar variability and differential preservation of coastal-process indicators in low-accommodation deltaic settings
A van Yperen, M Poyatos-Moré, J Holbrook, I Midtkandal
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-2895, 2021
From river to delta: down-dip changes in facies, architecture, and key stratigraphic surfaces in a low-accommodation setting
AE van Yperen
Cyclostratigraphic framework for the ETM2 and H2 hyperthermals in the Willwood Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming (USA)
AE van Yperen
AE Van Yperen, LH Line, JM Holbrook, M Poyatos-Moré, I Midtkandal
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Articles 1–20