Shuvendu Lahiri
Shuvendu Lahiri
Senior Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research
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Feedback-directed random test generation
C Pacheco, SK Lahiri, MD Ernst, T Ball
29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'07), 75-84, 2007
Modeling and verifying systems using a logic of counter arithmetic with lambda expressions and uninterpreted functions
RE Bryant, SK Lahiri, SA Seshia
Computer Aided Verification: 14th International Conference, CAV 2002 …, 2002
Symdiff: A language-agnostic semantic diff tool for imperative programs
SK Lahiri, C Hawblitzel, M Kawaguchi, H Rebęlo
Computer Aided Verification: 24th International Conference, CAV 2012 …, 2012
Codamosa: Escaping coverage plateaus in test generation with pre-trained large language models
C Lemieux, JP Inala, SK Lahiri, S Sen
2023 IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE …, 2023
Back to the future: revisiting precise program verification using SMT solvers
S Lahiri, S Qadeer
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 43 (1), 171-182, 2008
Helping developers help themselves: Automatic decomposition of code review changesets
M Barnett, C Bird, J Brunet, SK Lahiri
2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering 1 …, 2015
A solver for reachability modulo theories
A Lal, S Qadeer, SK Lahiri
Computer Aided Verification: 24th International Conference, CAV 2012 …, 2012
SMT techniques for fast predicate abstraction
SK Lahiri, R Nieuwenhuis, A Oliveras
Computer Aided Verification: 18th International Conference, CAV 2006 …, 2006
A symbolic approach to predicate abstraction
SK Lahiri, RE Bryant, B Cook
International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 141-153, 2003
Differential assertion checking
SK Lahiri, KL McMillan, R Sharma, C Hawblitzel
Proceedings of the 2013 9th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software …, 2013
Finding errors in. net with feedback-directed random testing
C Pacheco, SK Lahiri, T Ball
Proceedings of the 2008 international symposium on Software testing and …, 2008
Verifying properties of well-founded linked lists
SK Lahiri, S Qadeer
Conference record of the 33rd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of …, 2006
Modeling and verification of out-of-order microprocessors in UCLID
SK Lahiri, SA Seshia, RE Bryant
Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design: 4th International Conference, FMCAD …, 2002
A hybrid SAT-based decision procedure for separation logic with uninterpreted functions
SA Seshia, SK Lahiri, RE Bryant
Proceedings of the 40th annual Design Automation Conference, 425-430, 2003
Constructing quantified invariants via predicate abstraction
SK Lahiri, RE Bryant
International Workshop on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract …, 2004
Toga: A neural method for test oracle generation
E Dinella, G Ryan, T Mytkowicz, SK Lahiri
Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2022
The UCLID Decision Procedure
SK Lahiri, SA Seshia
Computer Aided Verification: 16th International Conference, CAV 2004, Boston …, 2004
Indexed predicate discovery for unbounded system verification
SK Lahiri, RE Bryant
Computer Aided Verification: 16th International Conference, CAV 2004, Boston …, 2004
Code vectors: Understanding programs through embedded abstracted symbolic traces
J Henkel, SK Lahiri, B Liblit, T Reps
Proceedings of the 2018 26th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software …, 2018
An efficient decision procedure for UTVPI constraints
SK Lahiri, M Musuvathi
Frontiers of Combining Systems: 5th International Workshop, FroCoS 2005 …, 2005
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Articles 1–20