Klaus Rasmussen
Klaus Rasmussen
University College Copenhagen; University of Copenhagen
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Lesson study in prospective mathematics teacher education: didactic and paradidactic technology in the post-lesson reflection
K Rasmussen
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 24, 2015
Theorizing lesson study: Two related frameworks and two Danish case studies
C Winsløw, J Bahn, K Rasmussen
Mathematics lesson study around the world: Theoretical and methodological …, 2018
Together in adidactic situations–Student dialogue during reciprocal peer tutoring in mathematics
K Rasmussen, MCS Schmidt
International Journal of Educational Research Open 3, 100126, 2022
The emergence and institutional co-determination of sustainability as a teaching topic in interdisciplinary science teacher education
K Rasmussen
Environmental Education Research 23 (3), 348-364, 2017
The direction and autonomy of interdisciplinary study and research paths in teacher education
K Rasmussen
REDIMAT 5 (2), 158-179, 2016
Didactic Codetermination in the Creation of an Integrated Math and Science Teacher Education: The Case of Mathematics and Geography
K Rasmussen, C Winsløw
Proceedings of CERME 8, 3247-3257, 2013
The intangible task–a revelatory case of teaching mathematical thinking in Japanese elementary schools
K Rasmussen, M Isoda
Research in Mathematics Education 21 (1), 43-59, 2019
Sammenfatning af følgeforskningen på Matematikindsats 2017: TMTM, Tidlig Matematikindsats Til Marginalgruppeelever.
J Harder, JV Færch, SG Malm, S Overgaard, K Rasmussen, PB Tonnesen, ...
Københavns Professionshøjskole, 2020
Lektionsstudier som praksissamarbejde
H Nyboe, K Rasmussen
Unge Pædagoger 2, 31-43, 2015
What knowledge do in-service teachers need to create SRPs? De quelles connaissances les enseignants en exercice ont-ils besoin pour créer des SRP?
BE Jessen, K Rasmussen
Educação Matemática Pesquisa Revista do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em …, 2020
ASTE-profil i den nye læreruddannelse
K Rasmussen, O Goldbech
MONA-Matematik-og Naturfagsdidaktik, 2013
A layered model of didactic co-determination in science teacher education - institutional conditions and constraints when planning multidisciplinary teaching of energy topics
K Rasmussen
IVe congrès international sur la TAD (Toulouse, 21-26 avril 2013), 2013
ASTE: Rapport til Lundbeckfonden
O Goldbech, J Aarby, K Rasmussen, C Winsløw, CH Østergaard
Consecutive cycles of “whole class” lesson study: A format for development of shared teacher knowledge in preservice teacher education
K Rasmussen
Praxeologies and institutional interactions in the advanced science teacher education
K Rasmussen
University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, Department of Science Education, 2016
Didactic transposition of mathematics and biology into a course for pre-service teachers: A case study of'Health-Risk or Chance?’
K Rasmussen
IND's skriftserie, 107-120, 2015
Epoxy in occupational environment--an old acquaintance in a new dress
JP Haahr, K Rasmussen, L Dam, K Kaaber, AO Nielsen
Ugeskrift for laeger 162 (18), 2561-2565, 2000
SYKL som anledning til at lede den sociofaglige inklusion’tæt’på
K Rasmussen, MCS Schmidt, SS Skov, HH Spring, PB Tonnesen, ...
LEDERLIV–inspiration til livet som leder 2021 (juni), 24. juni 2021, 2021
Systematisk klassekammerathjælp-fagdidaktisk tilpasset til natur/teknologi
MF Andersen, K Rasmussen, MCS Schmidt
Samtalen tæller–Systematiseret klassekammerathjælp i matematik
K Rasmussen, MC Schmidt, S Skov, H Spring, P Tonnesen
MONA-Matematik-og Naturfagsdidaktik, 2021
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