Gregory C Rutledge
Gregory C Rutledge
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Designing superoleophobic surfaces
A Tuteja, W Choi, M Ma, JM Mabry, SA Mazzella, GC Rutledge, ...
Science 318 (5856), 1618-1622, 2007
Experimental characterization of electrospinning: the electrically forced jet and instabilities
YM Shin, MM Hohman, MP Brenner, GC Rutledge
Polymer 42 (25), 09955-09967, 2001
Electrospinning and electrically forced jets. I. Stability theory
MM Hohman, M Shin, G Rutledge, MP Brenner
Physics of fluids 13 (8), 2201-2220, 2001
Controlling the fiber diameter during electrospinning
SV Fridrikh, JH Yu, MP Brenner, GC Rutledge
Physical review letters 90 (14), 144502, 2003
Electrospinning and electrically forced jets. II. Applications
MM Hohman, M Shin, G Rutledge, MP Brenner
Physics of fluids 13 (8), 2221-2236, 2001
Electrospinning: A whipping fluid jet generates submicron polymer fibers
YM Shin, MM Hohman, MP Brenner, GC Rutledge
Applied physics letters 78 (8), 1149-1151, 2001
Electrospinning Bombyx mori Silk with Poly(ethylene oxide)
HJ Jin, SV Fridrikh, GC Rutledge, DL Kaplan
Biomacromolecules 3 (6), 1233-1239, 2002
Multiscale micromechanical modeling of polymer/clay nanocomposites and the effective clay particle
N Sheng, MC Boyce, DM Parks, GC Rutledge, JI Abes, RE Cohen
Polymer 45 (2), 487-506, 2004
Superhydrophobic fabrics produced by electrospinning and chemical vapor deposition
M Ma, Y Mao, M Gupta, KK Gleason, GC Rutledge
Macromolecules 38 (23), 9742-9748, 2005
Formation of fibers by electrospinning
GC Rutledge, SV Fridrikh
Advanced drug delivery reviews 59 (14), 1384-1391, 2007
Electrospun poly (styrene-block-dimethylsiloxane) block copolymer fibers exhibiting superhydrophobicity
M Ma, RM Hill, JL Lowery, SV Fridrikh, GC Rutledge
Langmuir 21 (12), 5549-5554, 2005
Production of submicrometer diameter fibers by two‐fluid electrospinning
JH Yu, SV Fridrikh, GC Rutledge
Advanced Materials 16 (17), 1562-1566, 2004
The role of elasticity in the formation of electrospun fibers
JH Yu, SV Fridrikh, GC Rutledge
Polymer 47 (13), 4789-4797, 2006
Effect of fiber diameter, pore size and seeding method on growth of human dermal fibroblasts in electrospun poly (ɛ-caprolactone) fibrous mats
JL Lowery, N Datta, GC Rutledge
Biomaterials 31 (3), 491-504, 2010
Mechanical properties of electrospun silk fibers
M Wang, HJ Jin, DL Kaplan, GC Rutledge
Macromolecules 37 (18), 6856-6864, 2004
Decorated electrospun fibers exhibiting superhydrophobicity
M Ma, M Gupta, Z Li, L Zhai, KK Gleason, RE Cohen, MF Rubner, ...
Advanced materials 19 (2), 255-259, 2007
Spraying asymmetry into functional membranes layer-by-layer
KC Krogman, JL Lowery, NS Zacharia, GC Rutledge, PT Hammond
Nature materials 8 (6), 512-518, 2009
Morphology of porous and wrinkled fibers of polystyrene electrospun from dimethylformamide
CL Pai, MC Boyce, GC Rutledge
Macromolecules 42 (6), 2102-2114, 2009
Field-responsive superparamagnetic composite nanofibers by electrospinning
M Wang, H Singh, TA Hatton, GC Rutledge
Polymer 45 (16), 5505-5514, 2004
Handbook of polymer crystallization
E Piorkowska, GC Rutledge
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
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