Anastasios (Tasos) Kitsos
Anastasios (Tasos) Kitsos
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Economics, Aston University
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Economic resilience in Great Britain: the crisis impact and its determining factors for local authority districts
A Kitsos, P Bishop
The Annals of Regional Science 60 (2), 329-347, 2018
Digital economy in the UK: regional productivity effects of early adoption
E Tranos, T Kitsos, R Ortega-Argilés
Regional Studies 55 (12), 1924-1938, 2021
The role of embeddedness on regional economic resilience: Evidence from the UK
A Kitsos, A Carrascal-Incera, R Ortega-Argilés
Sustainability 11 (14), 3800, 2019
Creative Clusters and Creative Multipliers: Evidence from UK Cities
D Gutierrez-Posada, T Kitsos, M Nathan, M Nuccio
Economic Geography, 1-24, 2022
Industrial embeddedness and regional economic resistance in Europe
T Kitsos, SM Grabner, A Carrascal-Incera
Economic Geography 99 (3), 227-252, 2023
Universities, students and regional economies: a symbiotic relationship?
A Carrascal Incera, A Kitsos, DG Posada
Regional Studies 56 (6), 892-908, 2022
Economic resilience in Great Britain: An empirical analysis at the local authority district level
T Kitsos
Handbook on regional economic resilience, 190-207, 2020
The uneven spatial footprint of the COVID-19 shutdown
A Kitsos
City-REDI/WMREDI response to the BEIS inquiry on the impact of coronavirus …, 2020
Mediating distributive politics: political alignment and electoral business cycle effects on municipality financing in Greece
A Kitsos, A Proestakis
The Annals of Regional Science 67 (1), 1-26, 2021
Delivering Levelling Up: Don’t turn on the taps without fixing the pipes
J Newman, C Seaford, B Glover, S Collinson, C Hoole, A Kitsos, ...
LIPSET Report. Available online at: https://demos. co. uk/wp-content/uploads …, 2021
Achieving levelling-up: the structures and processes needed
C Seaford, B Glover, S Collinson, C Hoole, A Kitsos, DG Posada, H Tilley, ...
Industrial path development in the UK space sector: processes of legitimacy building in the establishment of Space 2.0
CA Billing, JR Bryson, T Kitsos
Industry and Innovation, 1-26, 2024
Economic resilience in Great Britain: an examination of the determinants of the 2008 crisis impact on GB's local authority districts
A Kitsos
University of Plymouth, 2018
Between a rock and a hard place: Trade offs between prosperity and inclusivity when implementing regional growth policies
S Collinson, N Driffield, C Hoole, A Kitsos
The Productivity Institute Productivity Insights Paper, 2022
Local resilience and the COVID-19 economic crisis
AT Kitsos
Impacts of policy-driven public procurement: a methodological review
O Kundu, E Uyarra, R Ortega-Argiles, MM Tirado, T Kitsos, PY Yuan
Science and Public Policy, scae058, 2024
Measuring Success–review of indicators and recommendations
B Riley, T Kitsos, K Collinson
Creative Destruction? Creative firms, workers and residential gentrification
T Kitsos, M Nathan, D Gutierrez-Posada
Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre, 2023
The West Midland Space Sector Strengths, Underpinning Assets, and Market
C Billing, R Bevan, A Green, T Kitsos, A Pugh, B Brittain, J Schwarz, ...
University of Birmingham, 2021
Economic resilience to shocks: implications for labour markets
T Kitsos
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