Syed Taha Ali
Cited by
Cited by
A Survey of Securing Networks Using Software Defined Networking
ST Ali, V Sivaraman, A Radford, S Jha
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2015
Eliminating Reconciliation Cost in Secret Key Generation for Body-Worn Health Monitoring Devices
ST Ali, V Sivaraman, D Ostry
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2013
Cerberus: A blockchain-based accreditation and degree verification system
A Tariq, HB Haq, ST Ali
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 10 (4), 1503-1514, 2022
Bitcoin: perils of an unregulated global P2P currency (Transcript of Discussion)
ST Ali
Cambridge international workshop on security protocols, 294-306, 2015
An overview of end-to-end verifiable voting systems
ST Ali, J Murray
Real-World Electronic Voting, 189-234, 2016
ZombieCoin 2.0: managing next-generation botnets using Bitcoin
ST Ali, P McCorry, PHJ Lee, F Hao
International Journal of Information Security 17, 411-422, 2018
Zero reconciliation secret key generation for body-worn health monitoring devices
ST Ali, V Sivaraman, D Ostry
Proceedings of the fifth ACM conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless …, 2012
Zombiecoin: Powering next-generation botnets with bitcoin
ST Ali, P McCorry, PHJ Lee, F Hao
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: FC 2015 International Workshops …, 2015
Secret Key Generation Rate vs. Reconciliation Cost Using Wireless Channel Characteristics in Body Area Networks
ST Ali, V Sivaraman, D Ostry
Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), 2010 IEEE/IFIP 8th International …, 2010
Authentication of lossy data in body-sensor networks for cloud-based healthcare monitoring
ST Ali, V Sivaraman, D Ostry
Future Generation Computer Systems 35, 80-90, 2014
Securing First-Hop Data Provenance for Bodyworn Devices using Wireless Link Fingerprints
ST Ali, V Sivaraman, D Ostry, S Jha, G Tsudik
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2014
Secure lightweight context-driven data logging for bodyworn sensing devices
M Siddiqi, ST All, V Sivaraman
2017 5th International symposium on digital forensic and security (ISDFS), 1-6, 2017
Why preventing a cryptocurrency exchange heist isn’t good enough
P McCorry, M Möser, ST Ali
Security Protocols XXVI: 26th International Workshop, Cambridge, UK, March …, 2018
Decorrelating secret bit extraction via channel hopping in body area networks
L Yao, ST Ali, V Sivaraman, D Ostry
2012 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2012
The nuts and bolts of micropayments: A survey
ST Ali, D Clarke, P McCorry
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.02964, 2017
Securing data provenance in body area networks using lightweight wireless link fingerprints
ST Ali, V Sivaraman, D Ostry, S Jha
Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Trustworthy embedded …, 2013
Improving secret key generation performance for on-body devices.
L Yao, ST Ali, V Sivaraman, D Ostry
BODYNETS, 19-22, 2011
Secure key loss recovery for network broadcast in single-hop wireless sensor networks
ST Ali, V Sivaraman, A Dhamdhere, D Ostry
Ad Hoc Networks 8 (6), 668-679, 2010
Greening Residential WiFi Networks under Centralized Control
V Sivaraman, J Matthews, C Russell, ST Ali, A Vishwanath
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 1-1, 0
Forensic verification of health data from wearable devices using anonymous witnesses
M Siddiqi, ST Ali, V Sivaraman
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (11), 10745-10762, 2020
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Articles 1–20