Eric Sims
Eric Sims
Professor, Department of Economics, University of Notre Dame
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Uncertainty and economic activity: Evidence from business survey data
R Bachmann, S Elstner, ER Sims
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 5 (2), 217-49, 2013
News shocks and business cycles
RB Barsky, ER Sims
Journal of monetary Economics 58 (3), 273-289, 2011
Information, animal spirits, and the meaning of innovations in consumer confidence
RB Barsky, ER Sims
American Economic Review 102 (4), 1343-1377, 2012
Confidence and the transmission of government spending shocks
R Bachmann, ER Sims
Journal of Monetary Economics 59 (3), 235-249, 2012
Inflation expectations and readiness to spend: Cross-sectional evidence
R Bachmann, TO Berg, ER Sims
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 7 (1), 1-35, 2015
Evaluating central banks’ tool kit: Past, present, and future
E Sims, JC Wu
Journal of Monetary Economics 118, 135-160, 2021
News, non-invertibility, and structural VARs
ER Sims
DSGE Models in Macroeconomics: Estimation, Evaluation, and New Developments …, 2012
The output and welfare effects of government spending shocks over the business cycle
E Sims, J Wolff
International Economic Review 59 (3), 1403-1435, 2018
Revisions in utilization-adjusted TFP and robust identification of news shocks
A Kurmann, E Sims
Review of Economics and Statistics 103 (2), 216-235, 2021
The relative importance of aggregate and sectoral shocks and the changing nature of economic fluctuations
J Garin, MJ Pries, ER Sims
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 10 (1), 119-148, 2018
The four-equation new keynesian model
E Sims, JC Wu, J Zhang
Review of Economics and Statistics 105 (4), 931-947, 2023
On the desirability of nominal GDP targeting
J Garín, R Lester, E Sims
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 69, 21-44, 2016
On the welfare and cyclical implications of moderate trend inflation
G Ascari, L Phaneuf, ER Sims
Journal of Monetary Economics 99, 56-71, 2018
Volatility and welfare
R Lester, M Pries, E Sims
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 38, 17-36, 2014
The state-dependent effects of tax shocks
E Sims, J Wolff
European Economic Review 107, 57-85, 2018
Are supply shocks contractionary at the ZLB? Evidence from utilization-adjusted TFP data
J Garín, R Lester, E Sims
Review of Economics and Statistics 101 (1), 160-175, 2019
Tracking weekly state-level economic conditions
C Baumeister, D Leiva-León, E Sims
Review of Economics and Statistics 106 (2), 483-504, 2024
Are QE and conventional monetary policy substitutable?
ER Sims, JC Wu
Available at SSRN 3506322, 2019
Raise Rates to Raise Inflation? Neo‐Fisherianism in the New Keynesian Model
J Garín, R Lester, E Sims
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 50 (1), 243-259, 2018
Graduate Macro Theory II: Notes on Log-Linearization
E Sims
University of Notre Dame (notes), 1-5, 2011
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