Edmund Brekke
Cited by
Cited by
AIS-based vessel trajectory prediction
S Hexeberg, AL Flåten, EF Brekke
2017 20th international conference on information fusion (Fusion), 1-8, 2017
MPC-based collision avoidance strategy for existing marine vessel guidance systems
IB Hagen, DKM Kufoalor, EF Brekke, TA Johansen
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 7618-7623, 2018
Autonomous maritime collision avoidance: Field verification of autonomous surface vehicle behavior in challenging scenarios
DKM Kufoalor, TA Johansen, EF Brekke, A Hepsø, K Trnka
Journal of Field Robotics 37 (3), 387-403, 2020
The branching‐course model predictive control algorithm for maritime collision avoidance
BOH Eriksen, M Breivik, EF Wilthil, AL Flåten, EF Brekke
Journal of Field Robotics 36 (7), 1222-1249, 2019
Tracking small targets in heavy-tailed clutter using amplitude information
E Brekke, O Hallingstad, J Glattetre
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 35 (2), 314-329, 2010
The neighbor course distribution method with Gaussian mixture models for AIS-based vessel trajectory prediction
BR Dalsnes, S Hexeberg, AL Flåten, BOH Eriksen, EF Brekke
2018 21st international conference on information fusion (FUSION), 580-587, 2018
Radar-based maritime collision avoidance using dynamic window
EF Wilthil, AL Flåten, EF Brekke, M Breivik
2018 IEEE aerospace conference, 1-9, 2018
milliAmpere: an autonomous ferry prototype
EF Brekke, E Eide, BOH Eriksen, EF Wilthil, M Breivik, E Skjellaug, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2311 (1), 012029, 2022
Proactive collision avoidance for ASVs using a dynamic reciprocal velocity obstacles method
DKM Kufoalor, EF Brekke, TA Johansen
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2018
Development of a dynamic positioning system for the revolt model ship
HL Alfheim, K Muggerud, M Breivik, EF Brekke, E Eide, Ø Engelhardtsen
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (29), 116-121, 2018
The Autosea project: Developing closed-loop target tracking and collision avoidance systems
EF Brekke, EF Wilthil, BOH Eriksen, DKM Kufoalor, ØK Helgesen, ...
Journal of physics: conference series 1357, 012020, 2019
A target tracking system for ASV collision avoidance based on the PDAF
EF Wilthil, AL Flåten, EF Brekke
Sensing and control for autonomous vehicles: Applications to land, water and …, 2017
Relationship between finite set statistics and the multiple hypothesis tracker
E Brekke, M Chitre
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 54 (4), 1902-1917, 2018
Heterogeneous multi-sensor tracking for an autonomous surface vehicle in a littoral environment
ØK Helgesen, K Vasstein, EF Brekke, A Stahl
Ocean Engineering 252, 111168, 2022
Ship collision avoidance utilizing the cross-entropy method for collision risk assessment
T Tengesdal, TA Johansen, EF Brekke
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 23 (8), 11148-11161, 2021
Robust underwater obstacle detection and collision avoidance
V Ganesan, M Chitre, E Brekke
Autonomous Robots 40, 1165-1185, 2016
Autonomous COLREGs-compliant decision making using maritime radar tracking and model predictive control
DKM Kufoalor, E Wilthil, IB Hagen, EF Brekke, TA Johansen
2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC), 2536-2542, 2019
On collision risk assessment for autonomous ships using scenario-based MPC
T Trym, EF Brekke, TA Johansen
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 14509-14516, 2020
Autoferry Gemini: a real-time simulation platform for electromagnetic radiation sensors on autonomous ships
K Vasstein, EF Brekke, R Mester, E Eide
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 929 (1), 012032, 2020
Learning an AUV docking maneuver with a convolutional neural network
A Sans-Muntadas, E Kelasidi, KY Pettersen, E Brekke
IFAC Journal of Systems and Control 8, 100049, 2019
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Articles 1–20