Fariss Mousa
Fariss Mousa
Professor of Strategic Management and Innovation, James Madison University
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Empirical research on entrepreneurial orientation: An assessment and suggestions for future research
WJ Wales, VK Gupta, FT Mousa
International small business journal 31 (4), 357-383, 2013
The implications of slack heterogeneity for the slack-resources and corporate social performance relationship
AM Shahzad, FT Mousa, MP Sharfman
Journal of Business Research 69 (12), 5964-5971, 2016
Founder effectiveness in leveraging entrepreneurial orientation
FT Mousa, W Wales
Management Decision 50 (2), 305-324, 2012
The impact of slack resources on high–tech IPOs
FT Mousa, R Reed
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 37 (5), 1123-1147, 2013
When less is more: EO's influence upon funds raised by young technology firms at IPO
FT Mousa, WJ Wales, SR Harper
Journal of Business Research 68 (2), 306-313, 2015
Mixed blessings: How top management team heterogeneity and governance structure influence the use of corporate venture capital by post-IPO firms
A Sahaym, SY Cho, SK Kim, FT Mousa
Journal of Business Research 69 (3), 1208-1218, 2016
Organizational slack effects on innovation: The moderating roles of CEO tenure and compensation
FT Mousa, J Chowdhury
Journal of Business Economics and Management 15 (2), 369-383, 2014
Configurations of slack and their performance implications: an examination of high‐tech IPOs
FT Mousa, D Marlin, WJ Ritchie
Management Decision 51 (2), 225-247, 2013
The relationship between organizational slack and innovation: Revisited
F Terry Mousa, J Chowdhury
American Journal of Business 29 (1), 26-42, 2014
The Gilbreths' quality system stands the test of time
FT Mousa, DJ Lemak
Journal of Management History 15 (2), 198-215, 2009
The implications of CEO power on the relationship between firm resources and innovation
FT Mousa, J Chowdhury, SR Gallagher
Journal of Management & Organization 29 (1), 14-29, 2023
Founder-CEO board involvement and optimal IPO valuation
FT Mousa, W J. Ritchie, R Reed
Management Decision 52 (3), 642-657, 2014
Information diffusion and value redistribution among transaction partners of the IPO firm
K Liu, JD Arthurs, D Nam, FT Mousa
Strategic Management Journal 35 (11), 1717-1726, 2014
The link between SMEs alliance portfolio diversity and top management’s entrepreneurial and alliance orientations
M Tokman, FT Mousa, P Dickson
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 16 (3), 1001-1022, 2020
Different strokes: IPO risk factors, investor valuation, and firm survival
F Mousa, PE Bierly III, WJ Wales
Journal of Management & Organization 20 (3), 348-364, 2014
Top management team and IPO firms’ acquisition activity
FT Mousa, SK Kim, MA Rutherford
Management Decision 54 (3), 664-682, 2016
Consumer behaviour and social entrepreneurship: the case of South Korea
CK Lee, FT Mousa, J Lee, SHS Lee
Journal of social entrepreneurship 15 (2), 585-604, 2024
Time and motion studies
S Harper, FT Mousa
Oxford University Press, 2013
Information disclosure and IPO valuation: what kinds of information matter and is more information always better?
D Nam, JD Arthurs, ML Nielsen, F Mousa, K Liu
Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), 2008
When do slack resources impact new venture success?
FT Mousa
Washington State University, 2009
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Articles 1–20