Andrew G. Slater
Andrew G. Slater
Research Scientist, University of Colorado
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Cited by
Long-term climate change: projections, commitments and irreversibility
M Collins, R Knutti, J Arblaster, JL Dufresne, T Fichefet, P Friedlingstein, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2013
Mitigation of climate change
IC Change
Contribution of working group III to the fifth assessment report of the …, 2014
Climate models and their evaluation
DA Randall, RA Wood, S Bony, R Colman, T Fichefet, J Fyfe, V Kattsov, ...
Climate change 2007: The physical science basis. Contribution of Working …, 2007
Parameterization improvements and functional and structural advances in version 4 of the Community Land Model
DM Lawrence, KW Oleson, MG Flanner, PE Thornton, SC Swenson, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 3 (1), 2011
The Community Land Model version 5: Description of new features, benchmarking, and impact of forcing uncertainty
DM Lawrence, RA Fisher, CD Koven, KW Oleson, SC Swenson, G Bonan, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11 (12), 4245-4287, 2019
The large‐scale freshwater cycle of the Arctic
MC Serreze, AP Barrett, AG Slater, RA Woodgate, K Aagaard, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 111 (C11), 2006
Framework for Understanding Structural Errors (FUSE): A modular framework to diagnose differences between hydrological models
MP Clark, AG Slater, DE Rupp, RA Woods, JA Vrugt, HV Gupta, ...
Water Resources Research 44 (12), 2008
A projection of severe near‐surface permafrost degradation during the 21st century
DM Lawrence, AG Slater
Geophysical research letters 32 (24), 2005
Hydrological data assimilation with the ensemble Kalman filter: Use of streamflow observations to update states in a distributed hydrological model
MP Clark, DE Rupp, RA Woods, X Zheng, RP Ibbitt, AG Slater, J Schmidt, ...
Advances in water resources 31 (10), 1309-1324, 2008
Representing spatial variability of snow water equivalent in hydrologic and land‐surface models: A review
MP Clark, J Hendrikx, AG Slater, D Kavetski, B Anderson, NJ Cullen, ...
Water Resources Research 47 (7), 2011
Incorporating organic soil into a global climate model
DM Lawrence, AG Slater
Climate Dynamics 30, 145-160, 2008
The representation of snow in land surface schemes: Results from PILPS 2 (d)
AG Slater, S AC, CE Desborough, et al
J. Hydrometeor 2, 7-25, 2001
Diagnosing present and future permafrost from climate models
AG Slater, DM Lawrence
Journal of Climate 26 (15), 5608-5623, 2013
Accelerated Arctic land warming and permafrost degradation during rapid sea ice loss
DM Lawrence, AG Slater, RA Tomas, MM Holland, C Deser
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (11), 2008
Sensitivity of a model projection of near‐surface permafrost degradation to soil column depth and representation of soil organic matter
DM Lawrence, AG Slater, VE Romanovsky, DJ Nicolsky
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 113 (F2), 2008
The large‐scale energy budget of the Arctic
MC Serreze, AP Barrett, AG Slater, M Steele, J Zhang, KE Trenberth
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D11), 2007
Technical description of version 4.0 of the Community Land Model (CLM), NCAR Tech
KW Oleson, DM Lawrence, GB Bonan, MG Flanner, E Kluzek, ...
Notes (NCAR/TN-478+ STR), 2010
Permafrost thaw and resulting soil moisture changes regulate projected high-latitude CO2 and CH4 emissions
DM Lawrence, CD Koven, SC Swenson, WJ Riley, AG Slater
Environmental Research Letters 10 (9), 094011, 2015
Simulation of present-day and future permafrost and seasonally frozen ground conditions in CCSM4
DM Lawrence, AG Slater, SC Swenson
Journal of Climate 25 (7), 2207-2225, 2012
Snow data assimilation via an ensemble Kalman filter
AG Slater, MP Clark
Journal of Hydrometeorology 7 (3), 478-493, 2006
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Articles 1–20