Reuben Kline
Reuben Kline
Associate Professor of Political Science, Stony Brook University
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A new approach for evaluating climate change communication
AS Levine, R Kline
Climatic Change 142, 301-309, 2017
Personality and prosocial behavior: A multilevel meta-analysis
R Kline, A Bankert, L Levitan, P Kraft
Political Science Research and Methods 7 (1), 125-142, 2019
High-risk high-reward investments to mitigate climate change
TM Andrews, AW Delton, R Kline
Nature Climate Change 8 (10), 890-894, 2018
Differentiated responsibilities and prosocial behaviour in climate change mitigation
R Kline, N Seltzer, E Lukinova, A Bynum
Nature human behaviour 2 (9), 653-661, 2018
Passing it along: Experiments on creating the negative externalities of climate change
AD Ponte, AW Delton, R Kline, NA Seltzer
The Journal of Politics 79 (4), 1444-1448, 2017
I’m not voting for her: Polling discrepancies and female candidates
CT Stout, R Kline
Political Behavior 33, 479-503, 2011
Anticipating moral hazard undermines climate mitigation in an experimental geoengineering game
TM Andrews, AW Delton, R Kline
Ecological Economics 196, 107421, 2022
How many political parties are there, really? A new measure of the ideologically cognizable number of parties/party groupings
B Grofman, R Kline
Party Politics 18 (4), 523-544, 2012
How we count counts: The empirical effects of using coalitional potential to measure the effective number of parties
R Kline
Electoral Studies 28 (2), 261-269, 2009
Loss-framed arguments can stifle political activism
AS Levine, R Kline
Journal of Experimental Political Science 6 (3), 171-179, 2019
Too many ways to help: How to promote climate change mitigation behaviors
TM Andrews, R Kline, Y Krupnikov, JB Ryan
Journal of Environmental Psychology 81, 101806, 2022
When foul play seems fair: Exploring the link between just deserts and honesty
F Galeotti, R Kline, R Orsini
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 142, 451-467, 2017
Evaluating the impact of vice presidential selection on voter choice
B Grofman, R Kline
Presidential Studies Quarterly 40 (2), 303-309, 2010
Ashamed not to vote for an African-American; ashamed to vote for a woman: An analysis of the Bradley effect from 1982-2006
C Stout, R Kline
Is a rational politics of disaster possible? Making useful decisions for others in an experimental disaster game
TM Andrews, AW Delton, R Kline
Political behavior 45 (1), 305-326, 2023
Passive non-participation versus strategic defection in a collective risk social dilemma
A Bynum, R Kline, O Smirnov
Journal of Theoretical Politics 28 (1), 138-158, 2016
Racial Salience, Viability, and the Wilder Effect: Evaluating Polling Accuracy for Black Candidates
CT Stout, R Kline
Public Opinion Quarterly 79 (4), 994-1014, 2015
Collective risk and distributional equity in climate change bargaining
A Mahajan, R Kline, D Tingley
Journal of Conflict Resolution 66 (1), 61-90, 2022
Behavioral analysis in the study of politics: The conflict laboratory
A Del Ponte, R Kline, J Ryan
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, 2020
Where mitigation and migration meet
R Kline
Nature Climate Change 10 (6), 493-494, 2020
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