Sean J. Taylor
Sean J. Taylor
Motif Analytics
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Forecasting at scale
SJ Taylor, B Letham
The American Statistician 72 (1), 37-45, 2018
Social influence bias: A randomized experiment
L Muchnik, S Aral, SJ Taylor
Science 341 (6146), 647-651, 2013
prophet: Automatic forecasting procedure
S Taylor, B Letham
R package version 0.2 1, 360, 2017
Characterizing online public discussions through patterns of participant interactions
J Zhang, C Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, C Sauper, SJ Taylor
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2 (CSCW), 1-27, 2018
Prophet: forecasting at scale
SJ Taylor, B Letham
PeerJ Preprints 5, e3190v2, 2017
Business time series forecasting at scale
SJ Taylor, B Letham
PeerJ Prepr. 5e3190v2 35 (8), 48-90, 2017
Randomized experiments to detect and estimate social influence in networks
SJ Taylor, D Eckles
Complex spreading phenomena in social systems: Influence and contagion in …, 2018
Identity effects in social media
SJ Taylor, L Muchnik, M Kumar, S Aral
Nature Human Behaviour 7 (1), 27-37, 2023
Discussion quality diffuses in the digital public square
G Berry, SJ Taylor
Proceedings of the 26th international conference on world wide web, 1371-1380, 2017
Selection effects in online sharing: Consequences for peer adoption
SJ Taylor, E Bakshy, S Aral
Proceedings of the fourteenth ACM conference on Electronic commerce, 821-836, 2013
Content and context: Identifying the impact of qualitative information on consumer choice
S Aral, PG Ipeirotis, SJ Taylor
Available at SSRN 1784376, 2011
Displaying things in common to encourage friendship formation: A large randomized field experiment
T Sun, SJ Taylor
Quantitative Marketing and Economics 18, 237-271, 2020
Bias-variance tradeoffs for designing simultaneous temporal experiments
R Xiong, A Chin, S Taylor
The KDD'23 Workshop on Causal Discovery, Prediction and Decision, 115-131, 2023
Active matrix factorization for surveys
C Zhang, SJ Taylor, C Cobb, J Sekhon
The Annals of Applied Statistics 14 (3), 1182-1206, 2020
Identity and opinion: A randomized experiment
SJ Taylor, L Muchnik, S Aral
Available at SSRN, 2014
Designing experiments with synthetic controls
N Doudchenko, D Gilinson, S Taylor, N Wernerfelt
Technical report, Working paper, 2019
Variance-weighted estimators to improve sensitivity in online experiments
K Liou, SJ Taylor
Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 837-850, 2020
Systems and methods for generating forecasting models
SJ Taylor
US Patent App. 14/863,802, 2017
A better match for drivers and riders: Reinforcement learning at lyft
X Azagirre, A Balwally, G Candeli, N Chamandy, B Han, A King, H Lee, ...
INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics 54 (1), 71-83, 2024
System and method for optimized survey targeting
SJ Taylor, CJS Stratton, CL Cobb
US Patent App. 15/682,353, 2019
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