Jason Zagami
Jason Zagami
Lecturer in Education, Griffith University
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Cited by
A K-6 computational thinking curriculum framework: Implications for teacher knowledge
C Angeli, J Voogt, A Fluck, M Webb, M Cox, J Malyn-Smith, J Zagami
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 19 (3), 47-57, 2016
Arguing for computer science in the school curriculum
A Fluck, M Webb, M Cox, C Angeli, J Malyn-Smith, J Voogt, J Zagami
Journal of educational technology & society 19 (3), 38-46, 2016
Teachers' beliefs about the possibilities and limitations of digital games in classrooms
C Beavis, L Rowan, M Dezuanni, C McGillivray, J O'Mara, S Prestridge, ...
E-learning and Digital Media 11 (6), 569-581, 2014
Machine learning for human learners: opportunities, issues, tensions and threats
ME Webb, A Fluck, J Magenheim, J Malyn-Smith, J Waters, M Deschênes, ...
Educational Technology Research and Development 69 (4), 2109-2130, 2021
Creating future ready information technology policy for national education systems
J Zagami, S Bocconi, L Starkey, JD Wilson, D Gibson, J Downie, ...
Technology, knowledge and learning 23, 495-506, 2018
Virtual worlds in Australian and New Zealand higher education: Remembering the past, understanding the present and imagining the future
S Gregory, B Gregory, T Reiners, A Fardinpour, M Hillier, M Lee, L Jacka, ...
Electric Dreams-ascilite 2013 Conference Proceedings Sydney, 312-324, 2013
Girls and computing: Female participation in computing in schools
J Zagami, M Boden, T Keane, B Moreton, K Schulz
Australian Educational Computing 30 (2), 2015
Computer Science in the school curriculum: issues and challenges
M Webb, T Bell, N Davis, YJ Katz, N Reynolds, DP Chambers, MM Sysło, ...
IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education, 421-431, 2017
Rhetoric and reality: Critical perspectives on education in a 3D virtual world
S Gregory, B Gregory, D Wood, D Butler, S Pasfield-Neofitou, M Hearns, ...
ascilite 2014 Conference Proceedings, 279-289, 2014
How are Australian higher education institutions contributing to change through innovative teaching and learning in virtual worlds?
B Gregory, S Gregory, D Wood, Y Masters, M Hillier, F Stokes-Thompson, ...
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for …, 2011
Redefining education for the digital age: a snapshot of the state of play in three Queensland schools
R Jamieson-Proctor, P Redmond, J Zagami, P Albion, P Twining
ACEC 2014: Now IT's personal: Conference proceedings of the Australian …, 2014
Introducing SMART Table technology in Saudi Arabia education system
G Almalki, G Finger, J Zagami
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 4 (2), 2013
Second Life as an arts education environment
J Zagami
sound, 3, 2008
Social ecological model analysis for ict integration
J Zagami
Australian Educational Computing, Special Edition: Teaching Teachers for the …, 2013
Curating the curriculum with digital games
M Dezuanni, J Zagami
Serious Play, 67-82, 2017
Exploring virtual world innovations and design through learner voices
S Gregory, B Gregory, S Grant, M McDonald, S Nikolic, H Farley, ...
Show me the learning: Proceedings of ASCILITE 2016: 33rd International …, 2016
Preschool children's engagement with a social robot compared to a human instructor
MM Neumann, LC Koch, J Zagami, D Reilly, DL Neumann
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 65, 332-341, 2023
Teacher education through online 3D virtual environments
J Zagami
Proc. ATEA2008, 2008
IPrac-twittering to survive practicum
J Zagami
CreateWorld 2009, 70, 2009
Digital technologies in the Australian curriculum
J Zagami
Australian Educational Computing 30 (1), 2015
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Articles 1–20