Jay X. Tang
Jay X. Tang
Professor of Physics
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Cited by
Caspase-3-generated fragment of gelsolin: effector of morphological change in apoptosis
S Kothakota, T Azuma, C Reinhard, A Klippel, J Tang, K Chu, TJ McGarry, ...
Science 278 (5336), 294-298, 1997
The Polyelectrolyte Nature of F-actin and the Mechanism of Actin Bundle Formation (∗)
JX Tang, PA Janmey
Journal of Biological Chemistry 271 (15), 8556-8563, 1996
Accumulation of Microswimmers near a Surface Mediated by Collision<? format?> and Rotational Brownian Motion
G Li, JX Tang
Physical review letters 103 (7), 078101, 2009
F-actin, a model polymer for semiflexible chains in dilute, semidilute, and liquid crystalline solutions
J Käs, H Strey, JX Tang, D Finger, R Ezzell, E Sackmann, PA Janmey
Biophysical journal 70 (2), 609-625, 1996
Hierarchical self-assembly of F-actin and cationic lipid complexes: stacked three-layer tubule networks
GCL Wong, JX Tang, A Lin, Y Li, PA Janmey, CR Safinya
Science 288 (5473), 2035-2039, 2000
Amplified effect of Brownian motion in bacterial near-surface swimming
G Li, LK Tam, JX Tang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (47), 18355-18359, 2008
Adhesion of single bacterial cells in the micronewton range
PH Tsang, G Li, YV Brun, LB Freund, JX Tang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (15), 5764-5768, 2006
Nonlinear elasticity of stiff filament networks: strain stiffening, negative normal stress, and filament alignment in fibrin gels
H Kang, Q Wen, PA Janmey, JX Tang, E Conti, FC MacKintosh
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (12), 3799-3805, 2009
Ion multivalence and like-charge polyelectrolyte attraction
JC Butler, T Angelini, JX Tang, GCL Wong
Physical review letters 91 (2), 028301, 2003
Neutrophil morphology and migration are affected by substrate elasticity
PW Oakes, DC Patel, NA Morin, DP Zitterbart, B Fabry, JS Reichner, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 114 (7), 1387-1395, 2009
Surface contact stimulates the just‐in‐time deployment of bacterial adhesins
G Li, PJB Brown, JX Tang, J Xu, EM Quardokus, C Fuqua, YV Brun
Molecular microbiology 83 (1), 41-51, 2012
Counterion induced bundle formation of rodlike polyelectrolytes
JX Tang, S Wong, PT Tran, PA Janmey
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie 100 (6), 796-806, 1996
Accumulation of swimming bacteria near a solid surface
G Li, J Bensson, L Nisimova, D Munger, P Mahautmr, JX Tang, MR Maxey, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (4 …, 2011
Nonmuscle myosin heavy chain IIA mediates integrin LFA-1 de-adhesion during T lymphocyte migration
NA Morin, PW Oakes, YM Hyun, D Lee, YE Chin, MR King, TA Springer, ...
The Journal of experimental medicine 205 (1), 195-205, 2008
Opposite effects of electrostatics and steric exclusion on bundle formation by F-actin and other filamentous polyelectrolytes
JX Tang, T Ito, T Tao, P Traub, PA Janmey
Biochemistry 36 (41), 12600-12607, 1997
Lamellar phase of stacked two-dimensional rafts of actin filaments
GCL Wong, A Lin, JX Tang, Y Li, PA Janmey, CR Safinya
Physical review letters 91 (1), 018103, 2003
Caspase-3-induced gelsolin fragmentation contributes to actin cytoskeletal collapse, nucleolysis, and apoptosis of vascular smooth muscle cells exposed to proinflammatory cytokines
YJ Geng, T Azuma, JX Tang, JH Hartwig, M Muszynski, Q Wu, P Libby, ...
European journal of cell biology 77 (4), 294-302, 1998
Stiff filamentous virus translocations through solid-state nanopores
A McMullen, HW De Haan, JX Tang, D Stein
Nature Communications 5 (1), 4171, 2014
Polymer-induced bundling of actin and the depletion force
M Hosek, JX Tang
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 69 (5 …, 2004
Microrheology of solutions of semiflexible biopolymer filaments using laser tweezers interferometry
KM Addas, CF Schmidt, JX Tang
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (2 …, 2004
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Articles 1–20