Darko Odic
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Cited by
Intuitive sense of number correlates with math scores on college-entrance examination
ME Libertus, D Odic, J Halberda
Acta psychologica 141 (3), 373-379, 2012
Developmental change in the acuity of approximate number and area representations.
D Odic, ME Libertus, L Feigenson, J Halberda
Developmental psychology 49 (6), 1103, 2013
Children's intuitive sense of number develops independently of their perception of area, density, length, and time
D Odic
Developmental Science 21 (2), e12533, 2018
Changing the precision of preschoolers’ approximate number system representations changes their symbolic math performance
JJ Wang, D Odic, J Halberda, L Feigenson
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 147, 82-99, 2016
Approximate number and approximate time discrimination each correlate with school math abilities in young children
D Odic, JV Lisboa, R Eisinger, MG Olivera, A Maiche, J Halberda
Acta Psychologica 163, 17-26, 2016
Children’s mappings between number words and the approximate number system
D Odic, M Le Corre, J Halberda
Cognition 138, 102-121, 2015
Hysteresis affects approximate number discrimination in young children.
D Odic, H Hock, J Halberda
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (1), 255, 2014
Acquisition of the cardinal principle coincides with improvement in approximate number system acuity in preschoolers
A Shusterman, E Slusser, J Halberda, D Odic
PloS one 11 (4), e0153072, 2016
The publication gender gap in psychology.
D Odic, EH Wojcik
American Psychologist 75 (1), 92, 2020
An introduction to the approximate number system
D Odic, A Starr
Child Development Perspectives 12 (4), 223-229, 2018
The precision of mapping between number words and the approximate number system predicts children’s formal math abilities
ME Libertus, D Odic, L Feigenson, J Halberda
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 150, 207-226, 2016
Young children's understanding of “more” and discrimination of number and surface area.
D Odic, P Pietroski, T Hunter, J Lidz, J Halberda
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 39 (2), 451, 2013
A Developmental Vocabulary Assessment for Parents (DVAP): Validating Parental Report of Vocabulary Size in 2-7-year-Old Children
M Libertus, D Odic, L Feigenson, J Halberda
Journal of Cognition and Development, 0
The precision and internal confidence of our approximate number thoughts
J Halberda, D Odic
Mathematical cognition and learning 1, 305-333, 2015
The relationship between apparent motion and object files
D Odic, O Roth, JI Flombaum
Visual Cognition 20 (9), 1052-1081, 2012
Better together: Multiple lines of evidence for a link between approximate and exact number representations: A reply to Merkley, Matejko, and Ansari
JJ Wang, D Odic, J Halberda, L Feigenson
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 153, 168-172, 2017
PsiMLE: A maximum-likelihood estimation approach to estimating psychophysical scaling and variability more reliably, efficiently, and flexibly
D Odic, HY Im, R Eisinger, R Ly, J Halberda
Behavior Research Methods 48, 445-462, 2016
Eye movements reveal distinct encoding patterns for number and cumulative surface area in random dot arrays
D Odic, J Halberda
Journal of Vision 15 (15), 5-5, 2015
Visual illusions help reveal the primitives of number perception.
E Picon, D Dramkin, D Odic
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 148 (10), 1675, 2019
Linguistic meanings as cognitive instructions
T Knowlton, T Hunter, D Odic, A Wellwood, J Halberda, P Pietroski, J Lidz
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1500 (1), 134-144, 2021
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Articles 1–20