Siobhan Hugh-Jones
Siobhan Hugh-Jones
Associate Professor in Health Psychology, University of Leeds
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Self‐reports of short‐and long‐term effects of bullying on children who stammer
S Hugh‐Jones, PK Smith
British Journal of Educational Psychology 69 (2), 141-158, 1999
How effective are mindfulness‐based interventions for reducing stress among healthcare professionals? A systematic review and meta‐analysis
A Burton, C Burgess, S Dean, GZ Koutsopoulou, S Hugh‐Jones
Stress and Health 33 (1), 3-13, 2017
Teaching mindfulness to teachers: A systematic review and narrative synthesis
LM Emerson, A Leyland, K Hudson, G Rowse, P Hanley, S Hugh-Jones
Mindfulness 8, 1136-1149, 2017
Factors affecting the implementation of a whole school mindfulness program: a qualitative study using the consolidated framework for implementation research
KG Hudson, R Lawton, S Hugh-Jones
BMC Health Services Research 20, 1-13, 2020
What effect does a cancer diagnosis have on the educational engagement and school life of teenagers? A systematic review
S Pini, S Hugh‐Jones, PH Gardner
Psycho‐Oncology, 2011
Communicating hunger and satiation in the first 2 years of life: a systematic review
J McNally, S Hugh‐Jones, S Caton, C Vereijken, H Weenen, ...
Maternal & child nutrition 12 (2), 205-228, 2016
I don’t need anybody to tell me what I should be doing’. A discursive analysis of maternal accounts of (mis) trust of healthy eating information
V O’Key, S Hugh-Jones
Appetite 54 (3), 524-532, 2010
The interview in qualitative research
S Hugh-Jones
Doing qualitative research in psychology, 77-97, 2010
The impact of maternal postnatal depression on men and their ways of fathering: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
L Beestin, S Hugh-Jones, B Gough
Psychology & health 29 (6), 717-735, 2014
Paediatric life-limiting conditions: Coping and adjustment in siblings
C Brennan, S Hugh-Jones, J Aldridge
Journal of health psychology 18 (6), 813-824, 2013
The impact of a cancer diagnosis on the education engagement of teenagers–patient and staff perspective
S Pini, P Gardner, S Hugh-Jones
European journal of oncology nursing 17 (3), 317-323, 2013
The air's got to be far cleaner here: A discursive analysis of place‐identity threat
S Hugh‐Jones, A Madill
British Journal of Social Psychology 48 (4), 601-624, 2009
How is stress reduced by a workplace mindfulness intervention? A qualitative study conceptualising experiences of change
S Hugh-Jones, S Rose, GZ Koutsopoulou, R Simms-Ellis
Mindfulness 9, 474-487, 2018
Factors influencing adolescent whole grain intake: A theory-based qualitative study
M Kamar, C Evans, S Hugh-Jones
Appetite 101, 125-133, 2016
Indicated prevention interventions for anxiety in children and adolescents: a review and meta-analysis of school-based programs
S Hugh-Jones, S Beckett, E Tumelty, P Mallikarjun
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 30 (6), 849-860, 2021
Health-related quality of life in Iranian women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a qualitative study
SA Taghavi, F Bazarganipour, S Hugh-Jones, N Hosseini
BMC Women's Health 15, 1-8, 2015
Transcranial alternating current stimulation at alpha frequency reduces pain when the intensity of pain is uncertain
LJ Arendsen, S Hugh-Jones, DM Lloyd
The Journal of Pain 19 (7), 807-818, 2018
Teaching mindfulness to teachers: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Mindfulness, 8 (5), 1136–1149
LM Emerson, A Leyland, K Hudson, G Rowse, P Hanley, S Hugh-Jones
Sexual exhibitionism as ‘sexuality and individuality’: A critique of psycho-medical discourse from the perspectives of women who exhibit
S Hugh-Jones, B Gough, A Littlewood
Sexualities 8 (3), 259-281, 2005
Analysing your data
S Gibson, S Hugh-Jones
Doing your qualitative psychology project, 127-153, 2012
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