Exploring differentiated disintegration in a post‐Brexit European Union B Leruth, S Gänzle, J Trondal JCMS: journal of common market studies 57 (5), 1013-1030, 2019 | 164 | 2019 |
An Alternative Theoretical Approach to EU Foreign Policy: Network Governance'and the Case of the Northern Dimension Initiative MS Filtenborg, S Gänzle, E Johansson Cooperation and Conflict 37 (4), 387-407, 2002 | 146 | 2002 |
EU governance and the European neighbourhood policy: a framework for analysis S Gänzle The European Union, Russia and the Shared Neighbourhood, 31-50, 2013 | 128 | 2013 |
Differentiated integration and disintegration in the EU after Brexit: Risks versus opportunities B Leruth, S Gänzle, J Trondal JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 57 (6), 1383-1394, 2019 | 125 | 2019 |
The security–development nexus in European Union foreign relations after Lisbon: policy coherence at last? M Furness, S Gänzle Development Policy Review 35 (4), 475-492, 2017 | 101 | 2017 |
Differentiation, differentiated integration and disintegration in a ‘post-Brexit-era’ S Gänzle, B Leruth, J Trondal Differentiated integration and disintegration in a post-Brexit era, 1-18, 2019 | 88 | 2019 |
A'macro-regional'Europe in the making: theoretical approaches and empirical evidence S Gänzle, K Kern Springer, 2015 | 80 | 2015 |
The European Union and global development: an'enlightened superpower'in the making? S Gänzle, S Grimm, D Makhan Palgrave Macmillan, 2012 | 67 | 2012 |
Macro-regional strategies, cohesion policy and regional cooperation in the European Union: Towards a research agenda S Gänzle, D Stead, F Sielker, T Chilla Political Studies Review 17 (2), 161-174, 2019 | 61 | 2019 |
The European Union’s development policy: A balancing act between ‘a more comprehensive approach’and creeping securitization M Furness, S Gänzle The securitization of foreign aid, 138-162, 2016 | 59 | 2016 |
The Bologna process and its impact on higher education at Russia’s margins: the case of Kaliningrad S Gänzle, S Meister, C King Higher Education 57, 533-547, 2009 | 59 | 2009 |
Coping with the'Security-Development Nexus':: The European Community's Instrument for Stability-Rationale and Potential S Gänzle DEU 47, 124, 2009 | 52 | 2009 |
The Routledge handbook of differentiation in the European Union B Leruth, S Gänzle, J Trondal Routledge, 2022 | 44 | 2022 |
How “African” is the African Peace and Security Architecture? Conceptual and practical constraints of regional security cooperation in Africa B Franke, S Gänzle African Security 5 (2), 88-104, 2012 | 41 | 2012 |
The changing politics of European security: Europe alone? S Gänzle, A Sens Springer, 2007 | 34 | 2007 |
Recalibrating EU Foreign Policy Vis-à-vis Central Asia: Towards Principled Pragmatism and Resilience N Winn, S Gänzle Geopolitics 28 (3), 1342-1361, 2023 | 33 | 2023 |
Building foreign affairs capacity in the EU: The recruitment of member state officials to the European External Action Service (EEAS) Z Murdoch, J Trondal, S Gänzle Public Administration 92 (1), 71-86, 2014 | 33 | 2014 |
Macro-regions,‘Macro-regionalization’and Macro-regional Strategies in the European Union: Towards a New Form of European Governance? S Gänzle, K Kern A ‘macro-regional’Europe in the making: Theoretical approaches and empirical …, 2016 | 31 | 2016 |
Externalizing EU governance and the European neighbourhood policy: towards a framework for analysis S Gänzle presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science …, 2008 | 30 | 2008 |
Macro-regional strategies of the European Union (EU) and experimentalist design of multi-level governance: the case of the EU strategy for the Danube region S Gänzle Regional & Federal Studies 27 (1), 1-22, 2017 | 29 | 2017 |