Thomas J. Venus
Thomas J. Venus
Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture (LfL)
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Cited by
Food processor and retailer non-GMO standards in the US and EU and the driving role of regulations
E Castellari, C Soregaroli, TJ Venus, J Wesseler
Food Policy 78, 26-37, 2018
The interaction between EU biofuel policy and first-and second-generation biodiesel production
C Boutesteijn, D Drabik, TJ Venus
Industrial Crops and Products 106, 124-129, 2017
The role of a German multi-stakeholder standard for livestock products derived from non-GMO feed
TJ Venus, D Drabik, J Wesseler
Food Policy, 2018
The plant protection products (PPP) sector in the European Union: a special view on herbicides
A Bonanno, VC Materia, T Venus, J Wesseler
The European Journal of Development Research 29, 575-595, 2017
Acceptance of sustainability standards by farmers-empirical evidence from Germany
V Hannus, TJ Venus
Journal of Environmental Management 267, 110617, 2020
The costs of coexistence measures for genetically modified maize in Germany
TJ Venus, K Dillen, MJ Punt, JHH Wesseler
Journal of Agricultural Economics 68 (2), 407-426, 2017
Understanding stakeholder preferences for future biogas development in Germany
TE Venus, F Strauss, TJ Venus
Land Use Policy 109, 105704, 2021
Overview of the Agricultural Inputs Sector in the EU
J Wesseler, A Bonanno, D Drabik, VC Materia, L Malaguti, M Meyer, ..., 2015
The EU Cattle Sector: Challenges and Opportunities – Milk and Meat
R Ihle, L Dries, R Jongeneel, T Venus, J Wesseler, 2017
EU biofuel policies for road and rail transportation sector
D Drabik, T Venus
EU bioeconomy economics and policies: Volume II, 257-276, 2019
Labelling GM‐free products. A case study of dairy companies in Germany
M Punt, T Venus, J Wesseler
EuroChoices 15 (1), 45-51, 2016
Comparison of Bt and Non-Bt maize cultivation gross margin: a case study of maize producers from Italy, Spain and Germany
T Venus, R Casadamon, C Soregaroli, J Wesseler
Futuragra, Rome, 2011
Ist das Angebot von Nahrungsmitteln “Ohne Gentechnik “wirtschaftlich nachhaltig
T Venus, N Kalaitzandonakes, J Wesseler
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, 93-110, 2012
Bereits doppelt so viel "ohne Gentechnik"-Milch als Biomilch in Deutschland: Welche Bedeutung hat GVO-freie Milch für unsere Milchwirtschaft?
TJ Venus, JHH Wesseler
Deutsche Molkerei Zeitung 133 (2), 24-26, 2012
Evolution of European GM-free Standards: Reasoning of Consumers and Strategic Adoption by Companies
TJ Venus, JHH Wesseler
Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics, RAAE 18 (2), 20 - 27, 2015
Mala biogas postrojenja
Đ Đatkov, M Višković, M Marinov, A Nesterović, S Bojić, M Effenberger, ...
Fakultet tehničkih nauka (FTN), Novi Sad, Srbija i Bavarski državni zavod za …, 2021
Research for agri committee-the EU cattle sector: challenges and opportunities-milk and meat: Study
R Ihle, LKE Dries, RA Jongeneel, TJ Venus, JHH Wesseler
Publications Office of the European Union, 2017
The costs of coexistence on farms in Germany
MJ Punt, TJ Venus, J Wesseler
AgBioForum 20 (1), 24-36, 2017
Lessons from EU Voluntary Labeling Schemes for GM-Free Processed Food Products
TJ Venus, N Kalaitzandonakes, J Wesseler
The Coexistence of Genetically Modified, Organic and Conventional Foods …, 2016
GMO free milk: A system comparison of Germany and Switzerland
S Mann, T Venus
Agroscope Science 21, 2015
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Articles 1–20