Resolving singularities of plane analytic branches with one toric morphism R Goldin, B Teissier
Resolution of Singularities: A research textbook in tribute to Oscar Zariski …, 2000
68 2000 Toward a semantic general theory of everything AV Samsonovich, RF Goldin, GA Ascoli
Complexity 15 (4), 12-18, 2010
50 2010 The cohomology ring of weight varieties and polygon spaces RF Goldin
Advances in Mathematics 160 (2), 175-204, 2001
44 2001 An effective algorithm for the cohomology ring of symplectic reductions RF Goldin
Geometric & Functional Analysis GAFA 12 (3), 567-583, 2002
43 2002 Orbifold cohomology of torus quotients R Goldin, TS Holm, A Knutson
42 2007 Towards generalizing Schubert calculus in the symplectic category RF Goldin, S Tolman
33 2009 The equivariant cohomology of Hamiltonian -spaces From Residual Actions R Goldin, TS Holm
arXiv preprint math/0107131, 2001
29 2001 Real loci of symplectic reductions R Goldin, T Holm
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 356 (11), 4623-4642, 2004
23 2004 Resolving singularities of plane analytic branches with one toric morphism. Resolution of singularities (Obergurgl, 1997), 315–340 R Goldin, B Teissier
Progr. Math 181, 0
16 Orbifold cohomology of hypertoric varieties RF Goldin, M Harada
International Journal of Mathematics 19 (08), 927-956, 2008
15 2008 Resolving plane branch singularities with one toric morphism, in “Resolution of Singularities, a research textbook in tribute to Oscar Zariski” R Goldin, B Teissier
Progress in Math, 315-340, 2000
14 2000 The cohomology of weight varities RF Goldin
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999
14 1999 Cohomology of symplectic reductions of generic coadjoint orbits R Goldin, AL Mare
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 132 (10), 3069-3074, 2004
13 2004 The full orbifold K-theory of abelian symplectic quotients R Goldin, M Harada, TS Holm, T Kimura
Journal of K-Theory 8 (2), 339-362, 2011
11 2011 Positivity of Peterson Schubert Calculus R Goldin, L Mihalcea, R Singh
Advances in Mathematics 455, 109879, 2024
9 2024 Circuit analysis of the Drosophila brain using connectivity-based neuronal classification reveals organization of key communication pathways K Mehta, RF Goldin, GA Ascoli
Network Neuroscience 7 (1), 269-298, 2023
9 2023 A positive formula for type A Peterson Schubert calculus R Goldin, B Gorbutt
La Matematica 1 (3), 618-665, 2022
9 2022 Schubert structure operators and K_T (G/B) R Goldin, A Knutson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.05283, 2019
8 2019 Statistical Models: Theory and Practice (Revised Edition). Cambridge University Press, New York, New York, 2009, xiv+ 442 pp., ISBN 978-0-521-74385-3, $40. by David A. Freedman. RF Goldin
Am. Math. Mon. 117 (9), 844-847, 2010
8 2010 Coordinate systems for dendritic spines: a somatocentric approach GA Ascoli, RF Goldin
Complexity 2 (4), 40-48, 1997
8 1997