Cristina Garduño Freeman
Cristina Garduño Freeman
UNSW Senior Lecturer in Architectural History and Theory
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Cited by
Photosharing on Flickr: Intangible heritage and emergent publics
C Garduno Freeman
International Journal of Heritage Studies 16 (4-5), 352-368, 2010
Participatory culture and the social value of an architectural icon: Sydney Opera House
CG Freeman
Routledge, 2017
Materials and places for learning: Experiences of doctoral students in and around university spaces
L Carvalho, CG Freeman
Postdigital Science and Education 5 (3), 730-753, 2023
CmyView: Learning by Walking and Sharing Social Values
L Carvalho, CG Freeman
Networked learning: Reflections and challenges, 167-186, 2018
Spaces of inclusion and belonging: The learning imaginaries of doctoral students in a multi-campus and distance university
L Carvalho, CG Freeman, A Kearney, M Mentis, R Martinez-Maldonado
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 34 (6), 2018
The need for diversity of uses in suburban neighbourhood centres
L Mahmoudi Farahani, D Beynon, C Garduno Freeman
Urban Design International 23, 86-101, 2018
Participatory culture as a site for the reception of architecture: Making a giant Sydney Opera House cake
CG Freeman
Architectural Theory Review 18 (3), 325-339, 2013
Digital spectres: the Notre-Dame effect
C Garduño Freeman, JA González Zarandona
International Journal of Heritage Studies 27 (12), 1264-1277, 2021
Architecture and “the act of receiving, or the fact of being received”: introduction to a special issue on reception
N Stead, CG Freeman
Architectural Theory Review 18 (3), 267-271, 2013
The implications of online connectivity for world heritage in a digital platform society
CG Freeman
Historic Environment 30 (3), 84-95, 2018
CmyView: Walking together apart
L Carvalho, CG Freeman
Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Learning 10, 313-321, 2016
Place? Lugar? Sitio? Framing place and placemaking through Latin American contexts
BB Beza, CG Freeman, D Fullaondo, G Mejía
Urban Space: Experiences and Reflections from the Global South; Pontificia …, 2018
Lovability: Putting people at the centre of city performance
M Novacevski, F Gray, C Garduno-Freeman
Planning News 43 (1), 22-23, 2017
Machismo and feminicide: Sharing culture and difficult heritage in Mexico
MA Chavez-Aguayo, CG Freeman
Historic Environment 32 (1), 36-53, 2020
Milling it over: Geelong's new life in forgotten places
F Gray, CG Freeman, M Novacevski
Historic Environment 29 (2), 58-69, 2017
Snap, post, share: understanding the online social life of personal photography
E Cook, C Garduno Freeman
Nexus: New Intersections in Internet Research, 2011
The urban Spanglish of Mexico City
CG Freeman, BB Beza, G Mejía
The Routledge Handbook of Place, 198-207, 2020
Architectural Theory Review
N Stead, CG Freeman
Routledge 18 (3), 267-396, 2013
Souveniring the Sydney Opera House
C Garduno Freeman
Things that Move: The Material Worlds of Tourism, 2007
Histories of urban heritage: Emotional and experiential attachments across time and space
U De Jong, CG Freeman, BB Beza, F Gray, M Novacevski
People-Centred Methodologies for Heritage Conservation, 65-79, 2021
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Articles 1–20