Valentine Wargnier-Dauchelle
Valentine Wargnier-Dauchelle
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A more interpretable classifier for multiple sclerosis
V Wargnier-Dauchelle, T Grenier, F Durand-Dubief, F Cotton, M Sdika
2021 IEEE 18th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI), 1062-1066, 2021
A weakly supervised gradient attribution constraint for interpretable classification and anomaly detection
V Wargnier-Dauchelle, T Grenier, F Durand-Dubief, F Cotton, M Sdika
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 42 (11), 3336-3347, 2023
Reproducibility of tumor segmentation outcomes with a deep learning model
M Des Ligneris, A Bonnet, Y Chatelain, T Glatard, M Sdika, G Vila, ...
2023 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1-5, 2023
Robust unsupervised image to template registration without image similarity loss
S Hachicha, C Le, V Wargnier-Dauchelle, M Sdika
Workshop on Medical Image Learning with Limited and Noisy Data, 148-157, 2023
Saliency Maps of Video-colonoscopy Images for the Analysis of Their Content and the Prevention of Colorectal Cancer Risks.
V Wargnier-Dauchelle, CS Chane, A Histace
BIOSIGNALS, 106-114, 2020
Constrained non-negative networks for a more explainable and interpretable classification
V Wargnier-Dauchelle, T Grenier, F Durand-Dubief, F Cotton, M Sdika
Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, 2024
Retinal Blood Vessels Segmentation: Improving State-of-the-Art Deep Methods
V Wargnier-Dauchelle, C Simon-Chane, A Histace
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: CAIP 2019 International Workshops …, 2019
An unexpected confounder: how brain shape can be used to classify MRI scans?
V Wargnier-Dauchelle, T Grenier, M Sdika
Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, 2024
Une contrainte faiblement supervisée sur les attributions basées sur le gradient pour une classification interprétable et la détection d'anomalies
V Wargnier-Dauchelle, T Grenier, F Durand-Dubief, F Cotton, M Sdika
Colloque Français d'Intelligence Artificielle en Imagerie Biomédicale (IABM …, 2023
Un classifieur plus interprétable pour la sep
V Wargnier-Dauchelle, T Grenier, F Durand-Dubief, F Cotton, M Sdika
Congrès Société Française de Résonance Magnétique en Biologie et Médecine …, 2021
Explainable monotonic networks and constrained learning for interpretable classification and weakly supervised anomaly detection
V Wargnier-Dauchelle, T Grenier, F Durand-Dubief, F Cotton, M Sdika
Pattern Recognition 160, 111186, 2025
Towards Better Interpretability of Sepsis Prediction by Deep Neural Networks with Variable-wise Attribution Maps
PE Thiboud, V Wargnier-Dauchelle, M Lefort, N Duchateau, M Sdika
Construction et apprentissage sous contraintes de réseaux monotones pour une classification interprétable et la détection d'anomalies
V Wargnier-Dauchelle, T Grenier, F Durand-Dubief, F Cotton, M Sdika
Colloque Français d'Intelligence Artificielle en Imagerie Biomédicale, 2024
Interprétabilité des réseaux de neurones profonds et segmentation faiblement supervisée des lésions cérébrales sur IRM
V Wargnier-Dauchelle
INSA Lyon, 2023
Check for updates Robust Unsupervised Image to Template Registration Without Image Similarity Loss
S Hachicha, C Le, V Wargnier-Dauchelle, M Sdika
Medical Image Learning with Limited and Noisy Data: Second International …, 2023
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: CAIP 2019 International Workshops, ViMaBi and DL-UAV, Salerno, Italy, September 6, 2019, Proceedings
M Vento, G Percannella, S Colantonio, D Giorgi, BJ Matuszewski, ...
Springer Nature, 2019
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Articles 1–16