Robert Hahn
Robert Hahn
University of Oxford and Georgetown University
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Market power and transferable property rights
RW Hahn
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 99 (4), 753-765, 1984
Is there a role for benefit-cost analysis in environmental, health, and safety regulation?
KJ Arrow, ML Cropper, GC Eads, RW Hahn, LB Lave, RG Noll, ...
Science 272 (5259), 221-222, 1996
Economic prescriptions for environmental problems: how the patient followed the doctor's orders
RW Hahn
Journal of economic perspectives 3 (2), 95-114, 1989
Marketable permits: lessons for theory and practice
RW Hahn, GL Hester
Ecology LQ 16, 361, 1989
Incentive-based environmental regulation: A new era from an old idea
RW Hahn, RN Stavins
Ecology LQ 18, 1, 1991
Where did all the markets go-An analysis of EPA's Emissions Trading Program
RW Hahn, GL Hester
Yale J. on Reg. 6, 109, 1989
The promise of prediction markets
KJ Arrow, R Forsythe, M Gorham, R Hahn, R Hanson, JO Ledyard, ...
Science 320 (5878), 877-878, 2008
Using big data to estimate consumer surplus: The case of uber
P Cohen, R Hahn, J Hall, S Levitt, R Metcalfe
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2016
Economic incentives for environmental protection: integrating theory and practice
RW Hahn, RN Stavins
The American economic review 82 (2), 464-468, 1992
The costs and benefits of regulation: Review and synthesis
RW Hahn, JA Hird
Yale J. on Reg. 8, 233, 1991
A new executive order for improving federal regulation? Deeper and wider cost-benefit analysis
RW Hahn, CR Sunstein
University of Pennsylvania Law Review 150 (5), 1489-1552, 2002
The costs and benefits of regulation: implications for developing countries
JL Guasch, RW Hahn
The World Bank Research Observer 14 (1), 137-158, 1999
The political economy of environmental regulation: Towards a unifying framework
RW Hahn
Public Choice 65 (1), 21-47, 1990
The move toward a cashless society: a closer look at payment instrument economics
DD Garcia-Swartz, RW Hahn, A Layne-Farrar
Review of network economics 5 (2), 2006
The economics of net neutrality
RW Hahn, S Wallsten
The Economists' Voice 3 (6), 2006
The impact of economics on environmental policy
RW Hahn
Journal of Environmental Economics and management 39 (3), 375-399, 2000
Has economic analysis improved regulatory decisions?
RW Hahn, PC Tetlock
Journal of Economic Perspectives 22 (1), 67-84, 2008
Designing a market for tradable emissions permits
RW Hahn, R Noll
Reform of environmental regulation 119, 121-22, 1982
Designing more efficient markets: Lessons from Los Angeles smog control
V Foster, RW Hahn
The Journal of Law and Economics 38 (1), 19-48, 1995
The effect of allowance allocations on cap-and-trade system performance
RW Hahn, RN Stavins
The Journal of Law and Economics 54 (S4), S267-S294, 2011
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