Laila Johanne Reigstad
Laila Johanne Reigstad
University of Bergen, Centre for Geobiology
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Methane oxidation at 55 C and pH 2 by a thermoacidophilic bacterium belonging to the Verrucomicrobia phylum
T Islam, S Jensen, LJ Reigstad, Ø Larsen, NK Birkeland
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (1), 300-304, 2008
Structural and functional specificities of PDGF‐C and PDGF‐D, the novel members of the platelet‐derived growth factors family
LJ Reigstad, JE Varhaug, JR Lillehaug
The FEBS journal 272 (22), 5723-5741, 2005
Nitrification in terrestrial hot springs of Iceland and Kamchatka
LJ Reigstad, A Richter, H Daims, T Urich, L Schwark, C Schleper
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 64 (2), 167-174, 2008
Diversity and abundance of Korarchaeota in terrestrial hot springs of Iceland and Kamchatka
LJ Reigstad, SL Jorgensen, C Schleper
The ISME Journal 4 (3), 346-356, 2010
Familial relationships in hyperthermo-and acidophilic archaeal viruses
LJ Happonen, P Redder, X Peng, LJ Reigstad, D Prangishvili, SJ Butcher
Journal of virology 84 (9), 4747, 2010
The effect of temperature change on the microbial diversity and community structure along the chronosequence of the sub-arctic glacier forefield of Styggedalsbreen (Norway)
A Mateos-Rivera, JC Yde, B Wilson, KW Finster, LJ Reigstad, L Øvreås
FEMS microbiology ecology 92 (4), fnw038, 2016
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-C, a PDGF family member with a vascular endothelial growth factor-like structure
LJ Reigstad, HM Sande, Ø Fluge, O Bruland, A Muga, JE Varhaug, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (19), 17114-17120, 2003
Determining phosphorus and sediment release rates from five Irish tillage soils
JT Regan, M Rodgers, MG Healy, L Kirwan, O Fenton
Journal of Environmental Quality 39 (1), 185-192, 2010
Sulfur-oxidizing chemolithotrophic proteobacteria dominate the microbiota in high arctic thermal springs on Svalbard
LJ Reigstad, SL Jorgensen, SE Lauritzen, C Schleper, T Urich
Astrobiology 11 (7), 665-678, 2011
Metagenomics of Kamchatkan hot spring filaments reveal two new major (hyper) thermophilic lineages related to Thaumarchaeota
L Eme, LJ Reigstad, A Spang, A Lanzén, T Weinmaier, T Rattei, ...
Research in microbiology 164 (5), 425-438, 2013
Increased expression of genes encoding mitochondrial proteins in papillary thyroid carcinomas
DR Faksvåg Haugen, Ø Fluge, LJ Reigstad, JE Varhaug, JR Lillehaug
Thyroid 13 (7), 613-620, 2003
Preparation of high-molecular weight DNA and metagenomic libraries from soils and hot springs
LJ Reigstad, R Bartossek, C Schleper
Methods in enzymology 496, 319-344, 2011
Nuclear localisation of endogenous SUMO-1-modified PDGF-C in human thyroid tissue and cell lines
LJ Reigstad, A Martinez, JE Varhaug, JR Lillehaug
Experimental cell research 312 (6), 782-795, 2006
Discovery of 3 km long seafloor fracture system in the Central North Sea
RB Pedersen, A Blomberg, K Landschulze, T Baumberger, I Økland, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, OS11E-03, 2013
Hydrothermal activity fuels microbial sulfate reduction in deep and distal marine settings along the Arctic Mid Ocean Ridges
DL Roerdink, F Vulcano, JK Landro, KE Moltubakk, HR Babel, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1320655, 2024
Cruise Report GS12A-Scientific cruise to the Sleipner area in the North Sea; R/V GO Sars Expedition No. 2012108/CGB2012, June 22th-30th 2012, Bergen, Norway-Bergen, Norway
RB Pedersen, LJ Reigstad, T Baumberger
Centre for Geobiology, University of Bergen, 2012
A detailed Holocene glacial-periglacial reconstruction based on multidisciplinary studies of a 60 m permafrost core from central Svalbard
H Hvidtfeldt Christiansen, B Elberling, GL Gilbert, C Thiel, A Murray, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 14647, 2014
Geomicrobial characterization of a 60 m long permafrost core from Svalbard
S Fromreide, P Tore Mørkved, GL Gilbert, HH Christiansen, L Reigstad
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 12286, 2014
Leakage of CO2 from sub-seafloor CO2 storage sites to the seabed; Impacts on sediment microorganisms and geochemical parameters during in situ and …
LJ Reigstad, B Hannisdal, FU Hoffmann, AK Sweetman, T Baumberger, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, OS13A-1691, 2013
Monitoring of Potential Seepage Through Surface Sediments in the Sleipner Carbon Capture and Storage Area
RH James, A Lichtschlag, M Cevatoglu, L Reigstad, D Connelly, JM Bull
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, OS12A-03, 2013
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Articles 1–20