christiane thiel
christiane thiel
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Development of attentional networks: an fMRI study with children and adults
K Konrad, S Neufang, CM Thiel, K Specht, C Hanisch, J Fan, ...
Neuroimage 28 (2), 429-439, 2005
Cerebral correlates of alerting, orienting and reorienting of visuospatial attention: an event-related fMRI study
CM Thiel, K Zilles, GR Fink
Neuroimage 21 (1), 318-328, 2004
High versus low reactivity to a novel environment: behavioural, pharmacological and neurochemical assessments
CM Thiel, CP Müller, JP Huston, RKW Schwarting
Neuroscience 93 (1), 243-251, 1999
Cue validity modulates the neural correlates of covert endogenous orienting of attention in parietal and frontal cortex
S Vossel, CM Thiel, GR Fink
Neuroimage 32 (3), 1257-1264, 2006
Hippocampal acetylcholine and habituation learning
CM Thiel, JP Huston, RKW Schwarting
Neuroscience 85 (4), 1253-1262, 1998
Nicotine modulates reorienting of visuospatial attention and neural activity in human parietal cortex
CM Thiel, K Zilles, GR Fink
Neuropsychopharmacology 30 (4), 810-820, 2005
Cholinergic enhancement modulates neural correlates of selective attention and emotional processing
P Bentley, P Vuilleumier, CM Thiel, J Driver, RJ Dolan
Neuroimage 20 (1), 58-70, 2003
Cholinergic modulation of experience-dependent plasticity in human auditory cortex
CM Thiel, KJ Friston, RJ Dolan
Neuron 35 (3), 567-574, 2002
Effects of acute psychosocial stress on working memory related brain activity in men
R Weerda, M Muehlhan, OT Wolf, CM Thiel
Human brain mapping 31 (9), 1418-1429, 2010
Human brain functional network changes associated with enhanced and impaired attentional task performance
C Gießing, CM Thiel, AF Alexander-Bloch, AX Patel, ET Bullmore
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (14), 5903-5914, 2013
The modulatory effects of nicotine on parietal cortex activity in a cued target detection task depend on cue reliability
C Giessing, CM Thiel, F Rösler, GR Fink
Neuroscience 137 (3), 853-864, 2006
Pharmacological modulation of behavioral and neuronal correlates of repetition priming
CM Thiel, RNA Henson, JS Morris, KJ Friston, RJ Dolan
Journal of Neuroscience 21 (17), 6846-6852, 2001
Visual and auditory alertness: modality-specific and supramodal neural mechanisms and their modulation by nicotine
CM Thiel, GR Fink
Journal of Neurophysiology 97 (4), 2758-2768, 2007
Dichotic pitch activates pitch processing centre in Heschl's gyrus
S Puschmann, S Uppenkamp, B Kollmeier, CM Thiel
Neuroimage 49 (2), 1641-1649, 2010
Effects of attention and emotion on repetition priming and their modulation by cholinergic enhancement
P Bentley, P Vuilleumier, CM Thiel, J Driver, RJ Dolan
Journal of Neurophysiology 90 (2), 1171-1181, 2003
Acute effects of aerobic exercise on executive function and attention in adult patients with ADHD
A Mehren, J Özyurt, AP Lam, M Brandes, HHO Müller, CM Thiel, ...
Frontiers in psychiatry 10, 132, 2019
Cholinergic stimulation enhances neural activity associated with encoding but reduces neural activity associated with retrieval in humans
J Kukolja, CM Thiel, GR Fink
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (25), 8119-8128, 2009
Effects of the cholinergic agonist nicotine on reorienting of visual spatial attention and top-down attentional control
CM Thiel, GR Fink
Neuroscience 152 (2), 381-390, 2008
What is “odd” in Posner's location-cueing paradigm? Neural responses to unexpected location and feature changes compared
S Vossel, R Weidner, CM Thiel, GR Fink
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 21 (1), 30-41, 2009
Relationship between anxiety and serotonin in the ventral striatum
RKW Schwarting, CM Thiel, CP Müller, JP Huston
Neuroreport 9 (6), 1025-1029, 1998
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Articles 1–20