Cristiano Cantore
Cristiano Cantore
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Shocking stuff: technology, hours, and factor substitution
C Cantore, M Leon-Ledesma, P McAdam, A Willman
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2014
Getting normalization right: dealing with ‘dimensional constants’ in macroeconomics
C Cantore, P Levine
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2012
The dynamics of hours worked and technology
C Cantore, F Ferroni, MA León-Ledesma
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2017
Workers, capitalists, and the government: fiscal policy and income (re) distribution
C Cantore, LB Freund
Journal of Monetary Economics, 2021
CES technology and business cycle fluctuations
C Cantore, P Levine, J Pearlman, B Yang
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 61, 133-151, 2015
The missing link: monetary policy and the labor share
C Cantore, F Ferroni, M León-Ledesma
Journal of the European Economic Association 19 (3), 1592-1620, 2021
Optimal fiscal and monetary policy, debt crisis, and management
C Cantore, P Levine, G Melina, J Pearlman
Macroeconomic Dynamics 23 (3), 1166-1204, 2019
A fiscal stimulus and jobless recovery
C Cantore, P Levine, G Melina
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 116 (3), 669-701, 2014
Deep versus Superficial Habit: It’s all in the Persistence
C Cantore, P Levine, G Melina, B Yang
School of Economics Discussion Papers 714, 2014
A fiscal stimulus with deep habits and optimal monetary policy
C Cantore, P Levine, G Melina, B Yang
Economics Letters 117 (1), 348-353, 2012
A tail of labor supply and a tale of monetary policy
C Cantore, F Ferroni, H Mumtaz, A Theophilopoulou
FRB of Chicago Working Paper, 2022
The science and art of DSGE modelling: I–construction and Bayesian estimation
C Cantore, VJ Gabriel, P Levine, J Pearlman, B Yang
Handbook of research methods and applications in empirical macroeconomics …, 2013
Unwinding quantitative easing: state dependency and household heterogeneity
C Cantore, P Meichtry
European Economic Review 170, 104865, 2024
Fiscal'monetary policy: A DSGE model fit for purpose
C Cantore, P Levine, G Melina
Working Paper, University of Surrey, 2012
Monetary-Fiscal Interaction and the Liquidity of Government Debt
C Cantore, E Leonardi
London School of Economics and Political Science, 2024
Loan supply and the financial propagation mechanism
C Cantore, M Satchi
Mimeo, 2008
Unwinding Quantitative Easing: State Dependency and Household Heterogeneity Online Appendix
C Cantore, P Meichtry
What Is the Impact of Monetary Policy on Households’ Desired Labor Supply?
C Cantore, F Ferroni, H Mumtaz, A Theophilopoulou
Chicago Fed Letter, 2022
Appendix to Staff Working Paper No. 857 The missing link: monetary policy and the labor share
C Cantore, F Ferroni, M León-Ledesma
Public R&D Investment and the Labour Share
C Cantore
Chapter D2 6, 2018
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