E. S. Benilov
E. S. Benilov
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Solitary waves with damped oscillatory tails: an analysis of the fifth-order Korteweg-de Vries equation
R Grimshaw, B Malomed, ES Benilov
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 77 (4), 473-485, 1994
The generation of radiating waves in a singularly-perturbed Korteweg-de Vries equation
ES Benilov, R Grimshaw, EP Kuznetsova
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 69 (3), 270-278, 1993
On the surface waves in a shallow channel with an uneven bottom
ES Benilov
Studies in Аpplied Мathematics 87 (1), 1-14, 1992
A new type of instability: explosive disturbances in a liquid film inside a rotating horizontal cylinder
ES Benilov, SBG O'Brien, IA Sazonov
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 497, 201-224, 2003
Inertial instability of a liquid film inside a rotating horizontal cylinder
ES Benilov, SBG O’Brien
Physics of Fluids 17, 052106, 2005
Steady rimming flows with surface tension
ES Benilov, MS Benilov, N Kopteva
Journal of Fluid mechanics 597, 91, 2008
Drops climbing uphill on an oscillating substrate
ES Benilov, J Billingham
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 674, 93, 2011
To the integrability of the equations describing the Langmuir-wave-ion-acoustic-wave interaction
ES Benilov, SP Burtsev
Physics Letters A 98 (5), 256-258, 1983
On the stability of shallow rivulets
ES Benilov
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 636, 455, 2009
Does surface tension stabilize liquid films inside a rotating horizontal cylinder?
ES Benilov, N Kopteva, SBG O'Brien
The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 58 (2), 185-200, 2005
Baroclinic instability of two-layer flows over one-dimensional bottom topography
ES Benilov
Journal of physical oceanography 31 (8), 2019-2025, 2001
Energy conservation and H theorem for the Enskog-Vlasov equation
ES Beniov, MS Benilov
Physical Review E 97 (6), 062115, 2018
On liquid films on an inclined plate
ES Benilov, SJ Chapman, JB McLeod, JR Ockendon, VS Zubkov
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 663, 53-69, 2010
On the long-term evolution of an intense localized divergent vortex on the beta-plane
GM Reznik, R Grimshaw, ES Benilov
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 422, 249-280, 2000
A thin drop sliding down an inclined plate
ES Benilov, MS Benilov
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 773, 75-102, 2015
Why do bubbles in Guinness sink?
ES Benilov, CP Cummins, WT Lee
American Journal of Physics 81, 88, 2013
Instability of quasi-geostrophic vortices in a two-layer ocean with a thin upper layer
ES Benilov
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 475 (1), 303-331, 2003
Stability of vortices in a two-layer ocean with uniform potential vorticity in the lower layer
ES Benilov
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 502, 207-232, 2004
On the origin and structure of a stationary circular hydraulic jump
R Fernandez-Feria, E Sanmiguel-Rojas, ES Benilov
Phys. Fluids 37, 072104, 2019
Contact lines with a 180-degree contact angle
ES Benilov, M Vynnycky
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 718, 481-506, 2013
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Articles 1–20