Kasper Meisner Nielsen
Kasper Meisner Nielsen
Professor of Finance, Copenhagen Business School
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Cited by
Inside the family firm: the role of families in succession decisions and performance
M Bennedsen, KM Nielsen, F Pérez-González, D Wolfenzon
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 122 (2), 647-691, 2007
The value of independent directors: Evidence from sudden deaths
BD Nguyen, KM Nielsen
Journal of Financial Economics 98 (3), 550-567, 2010
The causal effect of board size in the performance of small and medium-sized firms
M Bennedsen, HC Kongsted, KM Nielsen
Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (6), 1098-1109, 2008
Sources of Inaction in Household Finance: Evidence from the Danish Mortgage Market
S Andersen, JY Campbell, K Nielsen, T Ramadorai
American Economic Review 110 (10), 3184–3230, 2020
Incentive and entrenchment effects in European ownership
M Bennedsen, KM Nielsen
Journal of Banking & Finance 34 (9), 2212-2229, 2010
Participation Constraints in the Stock Market: Evidence from Unexpected Inheritance due to Sudden Death
S Andersen, KM Nielsen
Review of Financial Studies 24 (5), 1667-1697, 2011
Once bitten, twice shy: The power of personal experiences in risk taking
S Andersen, T Hanspal, KM Nielsen
Journal of Financial Economics 132 (3), 97-117, 2019
What Death Can Tell: Are Executives Paid for Their Contributions to Firm Value?
BD Nguyen, K Nielsen
Management Science 60 (12), 2994-3010, 2014
Ability or Finances as Constraints to Entrepreneurship? Evidence from Survival Rates in a Natural Experiment
S Andersen, K Nielsen
Review of Financial Studies 25 (12), 3684-3710, 2012
Institutional investors and private equity
KM Nielsen
Review of Finance 12 (1), 185-219, 2008
The impact of a break-through rule on European firms
M Bennedsen, KM Nielsen
European Journal of Law and Economics 17 (3), 259-283, 2004
The return to direct investment in private firms: new evidence on the private equity premium puzzle
KM Nielsen
European Financial Management 17 (3), 436-463, 2011
Gender Differences in Negotiation: Evidence from Real Estate Transactions
S Andersen, J Marx, KM Nielsen, L Vesterlund
The Economic Journal 131 (638), 2304-2332, 2021
Fire Sales and House Prices: Evidence from Estate Sales due to Sudden Death
S Andersen, KM Nielsen
Management Science 63 (1), 201-212, 2017
Private contracting and corporate governance: Evidence from the provision of tag-along rights in Brazil
M Bennedsen, KM Nielsen, TV Nielsen
Journal of Corporate Finance 18 (4), 904-918, 2012
Does Personal Liability Deter Individuals from Serving as Independent Directors?
SL Naaraayanan, KM Nielsen
Journal of Financial Economics 140 (2), 621-643, 2021
Spillovers in Prices: The Curious Case of Haunted Houses
U Bhattacharya, D Huang, KM Nielsen
Review of Finance 25 (3), 903–935, 2021
Beliefs and the Disposition Effect
S Andersen, T Hanspal, J Martinez-Correa, KM Nielsen
Available at SSRN 3516567, 2020
Personal Costs of Executive Turnovers
KM Nielsen
Forthcoming in Journal of Finance, 2024
Rich and Responsible? Is ESG a luxury good?
S Andersen, D Chebotarev, FZ Filali Adib, KM Nielsen
Available at SSRN 4615424, 2023
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Articles 1–20