Elin Lerum Boasson
Elin Lerum Boasson
Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo
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Emergence of polycentric climate governance and its future prospects
AJ Jordan, D Huitema, M Hildén, H Van Asselt, TJ Rayner, ...
Nature Climate Change 5 (11), 977-982, 2015
EU climate policy: Industry, policy interaction and external environment
EL Boasson, J Wettestad
Routledge, 2016
Climate governance entrepreneurship: Emerging findings and a new research agenda
EL Boasson, D Huitema
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 35 (8), 1343-1361, 2017
National climate policy: a multi-field approach
EL Boasson
Routledge, 2014
Policy invention and entrepreneurship: Bankrolling the burying of carbon in the EU
EL Boasson, J Wettestad
Global Environmental Change 29, 404-412, 2014
National and sub-national policies and institutions
NK Dubash, C Mitchell, EL Boasson, MJB Córdova, S Fifita, E Haites, ...
Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working …, 2022
International environmental agreements: An introduction
S Andresen, E Boasson, G Hønneland
Routledge, 2012
Norway: A dissonant cognitive leader?
EL Boasson, B Lahn
The European Union in International Climate Change Politics, 213-228, 2016
Climate policy: from complexity to consensus?
EL Boasson, M Tatham
Journal of European Public Policy 30 (3), 401-424, 2023
Climate Change 2022 Mitigation of Climate Change: Technical Summary
M Pathak, R Slade, R Pichs-Madruga, D Ürge-Vorsatz, R Shukla, J Skea
IPCC, 2022
Three decades of EU climate policy: Racing toward climate neutrality?
C Dupont, B Moore, EL Boasson, V Gravey, A Jordan, P Kivimaa, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 15 (1), e863, 2024
On the management success of regulative failure: Standardised CSR instruments and the oil industry's climate performance
E Lerum Boasson
Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society 9 (3 …, 2009
Entrepreneurship in climate governance at the local and regional levels: concepts, methods, patterns, and effects
D Huitema, EL Boasson, R Beunen
Regional Environmental Change 18, 1247-1257, 2018
Constitutionalization and entrepreneurship: Explaining increased EU steering of renewables support schemes
EL Boasson
Cogitatio, 2019
Comparative renewables policy: Political, organizational and European fields
EL Boasson, MD Leiren, J Wettestad
Taylor & Francis, 2021
CSR in the European oil sector: A mapping of company perceptions
EL Boasson, J Wettestad, M Bohn
Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe, 2009
Europeanization of renewables support
EL Boasson
Comparative Renewables Policy, 58-72, 2020
Klimaskapte beslutningsendringer?: en analyse av klimahensyn i petroleumspolitiske beslutningsprosesser
EL Boasson
The politics of domestic climate governance: Making sense of complex participation patterns
EL Boasson, C Burns, S Pulver
Journal of European Public Policy 30 (3), 513-536, 2023
Energy Governance in Norway Too Much of a Good Thing?
EL Boasson, T Jevnaker
file:///C:/Users/elinlb/Downloads/Boasson …, 2019
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