Claude Fluet
Claude Fluet
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Advertising and prices as signals of quality in a regime of price rivalry
C Fluet, PG Garella
International journal of industrial organization 20 (7), 907-930, 2002
Monitoring versus incentives
D Demougin, C Fluet
European Economic Review 45 (9), 1741-1764, 2001
Preponderance of evidence
D Demougin, C Fluet
European Economic Review 50 (4), 963-976, 2006
Output and wages with inequality averse agents
D Demougin, C Fluet, C Helm
Canadian Journal of Economics, 399-413, 2006
Deterrence versus judicial error: A comparative view of standards of proof
D Demougin, C Fluet
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)/Zeitschrift für …, 2005
Inequity aversion in tournaments
D Demougin, C Fluet
CIRPEE Working Paper 03-22, 2003
Mechanism sufficient statistic in the risk-neutral agency problem
D Demougin, C Fluet
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)/Zeitschrift für …, 1998
Rules of proof, courts, and incentives
D Demougin, C Fluet
The RAND Journal of Economics 39 (1), 20-40, 2008
Long-term care insurance: Information frictions and selection
MM Boyer, P De Donder, C Fluet, ML Leroux, PC Michaud
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 12 (3), 134-169, 2020
Accuracy versus falsification costs: The optimal amount of evidence under different procedures
W Emons, C Fluet
The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 25 (1), 134-156, 2009
Predicted risk perception and risk-taking behavior: The case of impaired driving
G Dionne, C Fluet, D Desjardins
Journal of risk and uncertainty 35, 237-264, 2007
Group vs. individual performance pay when workers are envious
D Demougin, C Fluet
Cahier de recherche/Working Paper 3, 18, 2003
Complete versus incomplete insurance contracts under adverse selection with multiple risks
C Fluet, F Pannequin
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory 22, 81-101, 1997
Ranking of information systems in agency models: an integral condition
D Demougin, C Fluet
Economic Theory 17, 489-496, 2001
Legal liability when individuals have moral concerns
B Deffains, C Fluet
The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 29 (4), 930-955, 2013
Long-term care insurance: Knowledge barriers, risk perception and adverse selection
M Boyer, P De Donder, C Fluet, ML Leroux, PC Michaud
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017
Enforcing contracts: should courts seek the truth?
C Fluet
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)/Zeitschrift für …, 2003
A further justification for the negligence rule
D Demougin, C Fluet
International Review of Law and Economics 19 (1), 33-45, 1999
Social norms and legal design
B Deffains, C Fluet
The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 36 (1), 139-169, 2020
Long-term care risk misperceptions
M Boyer, P De Donder, C Fluet, ML Leroux, PC Michaud
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice 44, 183-215, 2019
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