Jaume Salom
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Cited by
A review of domestic hot water consumption profiles for application in systems and buildings energy performance analysis
E Fuentes, L Arce, J Salom
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81, 1530-1547, 2018
Energy efficiency and renewable energy integration in data centres. Strategies and modelling review
E Oró, V Depoorter, A Garcia, J Salom
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 42, 429-445, 2015
Analysis of load match and grid interaction indicators in net zero energy buildings with simulated and monitored data
J Salom, AJ Marszal, J Widén, J Candanedo, KB Lindberg
Applied Energy 136, 119-131, 2014
Understanding net zero energy buildings: evaluation of load matching and grid interaction indicators
J Salom, J Widén, J Candanedo, I Sartori, K Voss, A Marszal
Proceedings of building simulation 6, 2514-2521, 2011
Review of control strategies for improving the energy flexibility provided by heat pump systems in buildings
TQ Péan, J Salom, R Costa-Castelló
Journal of Process Control 74, 35-49, 2019
Climate change and building ageing impact on building energy performance and mitigation measures application: A case study in Turin, northern Italy
DA Waddicor, E Fuentes, L Sisó, J Salom, B Favre, C Jiménez, M Azar
Building and Environment 102, 13-25, 2016
Multi-domain urban-scale energy modelling tools: A review
A Sola, C Corchero, J Salom, M Sanmarti
Sustainable Cities and Society 54, 101872, 2020
Simulation tools to build urban-scale energy models: A review
A Sola, C Corchero, J Salom, M Sanmarti
Energies 11 (12), 3269, 2018
Ten questions concerning energy flexibility in buildings
R Li, AJ Satchwell, D Finn, TH Christensen, M Kummert, J Le Dréau, ...
Building and Environment 223, 109461, 2022
The location as an energy efficiency and renewable energy supply measure for data centres in Europe
V Depoorter, E Oró, J Salom
Applied Energy 140, 338-349, 2015
Evaluation of energy flexibility of low-energy residential buildings connected to district heating
K Foteinaki, R Li, T Péan, C Rode, J Salom
Energy and Buildings 213, 109804, 2020
Waste heat recovery from urban air cooled data centres to increase energy efficiency of district heating networks
E Oró, P Taddeo, J Salom
Sustainable cities and society 45, 522-542, 2019
Experimental and numerical analysis for potential heat reuse in liquid cooled data centres
A Carbó, E Oró, J Salom, M Canuto, M Macías, J Guitart
Energy Conversion and Management 112, 135-145, 2016
Stochastic model for electrical loads in Mediterranean residential buildings: Validation and applications
J Ortiz, F Guarino, J Salom, C Corchero, M Cellura
Energy and Buildings 80, 23-36, 2014
Overview of direct air free cooling and thermal energy storage potential energy savings in data centres
E Oró, V Depoorter, N Pflugradt, J Salom
Applied thermal engineering 85, 100-110, 2015
Implications of weighting factors on technology preference in net zero energy buildings
F Noris, E Musall, J Salom, B Berggren, SØ Jensen, K Lindberg, I Sartori
Energy and Buildings 82, 250-262, 2014
Price and carbon-based energy flexibility of residential heating and cooling loads using model predictive control
T Péan, R Costa-Castelló, J Salom
Sustainable Cities and Society 50, 101579, 2019
Energy-efficient, thermal-aware modeling and simulation of data centers: The CoolEmAll approach and evaluation results
L Cupertino, G Da Costa, A Oleksiak, W Pia, JM Pierson, J Salom, L Siso, ...
Ad Hoc Networks 25, 535-553, 2015
A review of the fault behavior of heat pumps and measurements, detection and diagnosis methods including virtual sensors
I Bellanco, E Fuentes, M Vallès, J Salom
Journal of Building Engineering 39, 102254, 2021
Comfort and economic criteria for selecting passive measures for the energy refurbishment of residential buildings in Catalonia
J Ortiz, A Fonseca, J Salom, N Garrido, P Fonseca, V Russo
Energy and Buildings 110, 195-210, 2016
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Articles 1–20