Mahdi Noorian
Mahdi Noorian
PhD, Computer Science
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Cited by
Machine Learning-based Software Testing: Towards a Classification Framework.
M Noorian, E Bagheri, W Du
SEKE, 225-229, 2011
Feature Model Debugging based on Description Logic Reasoning.
M Noorian, A Ensan, E Bagheri, H Boley, Y Biletskiy
DMS 11, 158-164, 2011
Toward automated quality‐centric product line configuration using intentional variability
M Noorian, E Bagheri, W Du
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2017
Performance enhancement of smith-waterman algorithm using hybrid model: Comparing the mpi and hybrid programming paradigm on smp clusters
M Noorian, H Pooshfam, Z Noorian, R Abdullah
2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 492-497, 2009
Non-functional properties in software product lines: A taxonomy for classification.
M Noorian, E Bagheri, W Du
SEKE 12, 663-667, 2012
Quality-centric feature model configuration using goal models
M Noorian, E Bagheri, W Du
Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1296-1299, 2016
From Intentions to Decisions: Understanding Stakeholders’ Objectives in Software Product Line Configuration
M Noorian, E Bagheri, W Du
Addressing Non-Functional Properties in Feature Models: A Goal-Oriented Approach
M Noorian, M Asadi, E Bagheri, W Du
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 24 (10), 2014
Product line stakeholder preference elicitation via decision processes
M Bashari, M Noorian, E Bagheri
International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS) 5 (4), 35-51, 2014
Capturing non-functional properties through model interlinking
M Noorian, E Bagheri, W Du
2014 IEEE 27th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2014
A strategic reputation-based mechanism for mobile ad hoc networks
Z Noorian, M Noorian, M Fleming, S Marsh
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 25th Canadian Conference on Artificial …, 2012
Non-functional properties in software product lines: a framework for developing quality-centric software products
M Noorian
University of New Brunswick, 2017
International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science
M Bashari, M Noorian, E Bagheri, SH Ripon, SJ Hossain, MM Piash
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Articles 1–13