Marcel Garz
Marcel Garz
Associate Professor of Economics at Jönköping University
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Good news and bad news: evidence of media bias in unemployment reports
M Garz
Public Choice 161 (3), 499-515, 2014
Unemployment expectations, excessive pessimism, and news coverage
M Garz
Journal of Economic Psychology 34, 156-168, 2013
Bad news sells: The demand for news magazines and the tone of their covers
M Arango-Kure, M Garz, A Rott
Journal of Media Economics 27 (4), 199-214, 2014
Clickbait news and algorithmic curation: A game theory framework of the relation between journalism, users, and platforms
JA Lischka, M Garz
New Media & Society 25 (8), 2073-2094, 2023
Labour market segmentation: Standard and non-standard employment in Germany
M Garz
German economic review 14 (3), 349-371, 2013
Partisan Selective Engagement: Evidence from Facebook
M Garz, J Sörensen, DF Stone
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2020
Job insecurity perceptions and media coverage of labor market policy
M Garz
Journal of Labor Research 33, 528-544, 2012
Media influence on vote choices: Unemployment news and incumbents' electoral prospects
M Garz, GJ Martin
American Journal of Political Science 65 (2), 278-293, 2021
Cautionary Tales: Celebrities, the News Media, and Participation in Tax Amnesties
M Garz, V Pagels
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2018
Politicians under Investigation: The News Media’s Effect on the Likelihood of Resignation
M Garz, J Sörensen
Journal of Public Economics, 2017
The supply of media slant across outlets and demand for slant within outlets: Evidence from US presidential campaign news
M Garz, G Sood, DF Stone, J Wallace
European Journal of Political Economy 63, 101877, 2020
Effects of unemployment news on economic perceptions–Evidence from German Federal States
M Garz
Regional Science and Urban Economics 68, 172-190, 2018
The Effects of Algorithmic Content Selection on User Engagement with News on Twitter
E Dujeancourt, M Garz
The Information Society 39 (5), 263-281, 2023
Employment and wages in Germany since the 2004 deregulation of the temporary agency industry
M Garz
International Labour Review 152 (2), 307-326, 2013
Retirement, consumption of political information, and political knowledge
M Garz
European Journal of Political Economy 53, 109-119, 2018
Ownership and media slant: Evidence from Swedish newspapers
M Garz, J Rickardsson
Kyklos 76 (1), 18-40, 2023
Media coverage and pandemic behavior: Evidence from Sweden
M Garz, M Zhuang
Health Economics 33, 1319-1367, 2023
Data sharing and tax enforcement: Evidence from short-term rentals in Denmark
M Garz, A Schneider
Regional Science and Urban Economics 101, 103912, 2023
Algorithmic selection and supply of political news on facebook
M Garz, F Szucs
Information Economics and Policy 62, 101020, 2023
The online market for illegal copies of magazines: A German case study
M Garz, A Rott, M Wass von Czege
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 59 (1), 169-183, 2015
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