Jeffrey L Jensen
Jeffrey L Jensen
New York University Abu Dhabi
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Lawson criterion for ignition exceeded in an inertial fusion experiment
H Abu-Shawareb, R Acree, P Adams, J Adams, B Addis, R Aden, P Adrian, ...
Physical review letters 129 (7), 075001, 2022
The influence of federal laboratory R&D on industrial research
JD Adams, EP Chiang, JL Jensen
Review of Economics and Statistics 85 (4), 1003-1020, 2003
Achievement of target gain larger than unity in an inertial fusion experiment
H Abu-Shawareb, R Acree, P Adams, J Adams, B Addis, R Aden, P Adrian, ...
Physical Review Letters 132 (6), 065102, 2024
Democratization, de facto power, and taxation: Evidence from military occupation during reconstruction
ML Chacon, JL Jensen
World Politics 72 (1), 1-46, 2020
Early investments in state capacity promote persistently higher levels of social capital
JL Jensen, AJ Ramey
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (20), 10755-10761, 2020
Language models in sociological research: An application to classifying large administrative data and measuring religiosity
JL Jensen, D Karell, C Tanigawa-Lau, N Habash, M Oudah, ...
Sociological Methodology 52 (1), 30-52, 2022
Going postal: State capacity and violent dispute resolution
JL Jensen, AJ Ramey
Journal of Comparative Economics 48 (4), 779-796, 2020
The political and economic geography of Southern secession
ML Chacon, JL Jensen
The Journal of Economic History 80 (2), 386-416, 2020
Sustaining democracy with force: black representation during Reconstruction
ML Chacón, JL Jensen, S Yntiso
Journal of Historical Political Economy 1 (3), 319-351, 2021
Economic geography, political inequality, and public goods in the original 13 US states
P Beramendi, J Jensen
Comparative Political Studies 52 (13-14), 2235-2282, 2019
Democratic reversals and the size of government
JL Jensen, S Yntiso
European Journal of Political Economy 58, 21-49, 2019
When do elites support increasing taxation? Evidence from the American South
JL Jensen, G Pardelli, JF Timmons
The Journal of Politics 85 (2), 453-467, 2023
Direct democracy, constitutional reform, and political inequality in Post-colonial America
M Chacon, J Jensen
Studies in American Political Development 34 (1), 148-169, 2020
Revisiting the democracy-private investment nexus: Does inequality matter?
KK Aköz, B Barber IV, J Jensen, C Zenker
Journal of Comparative Economics 46 (4), 1215-1233, 2018
Perceived Racial Threats Increase Demand for Conservative Media: Evidence from Black Lives Matter Protests and Fox News Ratings
JL Jensen, D Karell
OSF, 2023
Representation and Taxation in the American South, 1820-1910
J Jensen, G Pardelli, JF Timmons
Cambridge University Press, 2023
Representation and Imposed Democratization: Evidence from Black Enfranchisement During Reconstruction
M Chacón, JL Jensen, S Yntiso
Available at SSRN 3817664, 2021
When Do Economic Elites Support Increasing Taxation? Evidence from the American South
JL Jensen, G Pardelli, JF Timmons
Evidence from the American South (November 10, 2020), 2020
Initial institutions, institutional persistence, and the promotion of economic development by the original 13 states
JL Jensen
New York University, 2010
Productivity gains: how permanent?
P Bauer, J Jensen, ME Schweitzer
Economic Commentary, 2001
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