Cristiane de Cássia Bergamaschi
Cristiane de Cássia Bergamaschi
Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences - University of Sorocaba - UNISO
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Use of phytotherapy in dentistry
FC Groppo, CC Bergamaschi, K Cogo, M Franz‐Montan, RHL Motta, ...
Phytotherapy Research 22 (8), 993-998, 2008
Association of polymorphisms in the carbonic anhydrase 6 gene with salivary buffer capacity, dental plaque pH, and caries index in children aged 7–9 years
RCR Peres, G Camargo, LS Mofatto, KL Cortellazzi, M Santos, MN Santos, ...
The pharmacogenomics journal 10 (2), 114-119, 2010
Prescrição de benzodiazepínicos para adultos e idosos de um ambulatório de saúde mental
DCC Naloto, FC Lopes, S Barberato Filho, LC Lopes, FS Del Fiol, ...
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 21, 1267-1276, 2016
Liposome-encapsulated ropivacaine for topical anesthesia of human oral mucosa
M Franz-Montan, ALR Silva, K Cogo, CC Bergamaschi, MC Volpato, ...
Anesthesia & Analgesia 104 (6), 1528-1531, 2007
Articaine (4%) with epinephrine (1: 100,000 or 1: 200,000) in intraosseous injections in symptomatic irreversible pulpitis of mandibular molars: anesthetic efficacy and …
LAP Pereira, FC Groppo, C de Cássia Bergamaschi, JG Meechan, ...
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology 116 (2), e85-e91, 2013
Use of steroid and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: Systematic review protocol
MDG Moura, LC Lopes, MT Silva, S Barberato-Filho, RHL Motta, ...
Medicine 97 (41), e12658, 2018
Comparison of the effects of pilocarpine and cevimeline on salivary flow
MA Braga, O Tarzia, CC Bergamaschi, FA Santos, ED Andrade, ...
International journal of dental hygiene 7 (2), 126-130, 2009
Sedação consciente com benzodiazepínicos em odontologia
K Cogo, CC Bergamaschi, R Yatsuda, MC Volpato, ED Andrade
Revista de Odontologia da Universidade Cidade de São Paulo 18 (2), 181-8, 2006
Interações medicamentosas: analgésicos, antiinflamatórios e antibióticos (Parte II)
CC Bergamaschi, MF Montan, K Cogo, GCN Franco, FC Groppo, ...
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac, 9-18, 2008
Effects of antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with open fracture of the extremities: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Y Chang, SA Kennedy, M Bhandari, LC Lopes, C de Cássia Bergamaschi, ...
JBJS reviews 3 (6), e2, 2015
In vitro evaluation of the effect of nicotine, cotinine, and caffeine on oral microorganisms
K Cogo, MF Montan, E D Andrade, PL Rosalen, FC Groppo
Canadian journal of microbiology 54 (6), 501-508, 2008
Vitamin D and respiratory infections
FS Del Fiol, S Barberato-Filho, LC Lopes, C de Cássia Bergamaschi
The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 9 (04), 355-361, 2015
Obesity: a new adverse effect of antibiotics?
FS Del Fiol, VM Balcão, S Barberato-Fillho, LC Lopes, CC Bergamaschi
Frontiers in pharmacology 9, 1408, 2018
Use of corticoids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: Systematic review and network meta-analysis
MDG Paglia, MT Silva, LC Lopes, S Barberato-Filho, LG Mazzei, FC Abe, ...
PLoS One 16 (4), e0248866, 2021
Effect of sodium diclofenac on the bioavailability of amoxicillin
C de Cássia Bergamaschi, RHL Motta, GCN Franco, K Cogo, MF Montan, ...
International journal of antimicrobial agents 27 (5), 417-422, 2006
Mortalidade relacionada ao uso de anestésicos locais em odontologia
MF Montan, K Cogo, CC Bergamaschi, MC Volpato, ED Andrade
RGO 55 (2), 197-202, 2007
Consumption trends of antibiotics in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic
FS Del Fiol, CC Bergamaschi, IP De Andrade Jr, LC Lopes, MT Silva, ...
Frontiers in Pharmacology 13, 844818, 2022
Oral herbal medicines marketed in Brazil for the treatment of osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
M Del Grossi Moura, LC Lopes, MW Biavatti, SA Kennedy, ...
Phytotherapy Research 31 (11), 1676-1685, 2017
Systematic survey of randomized trials evaluating the impact of alternative diagnostic strategies on patient-important outcomes
R El Dib, KAO Tikkinen, EA Akl, HA Gomaa, RA Mustafa, A Agarwal, ...
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 84, 61-69, 2017
ABCDE and ABCDEF care bundles: A systematic review protocol of the implementation process in intensive care units
F da Silva Moraes, LL Marengo, MT Silva, C de Cássia Bergamaschi, ...
Medicine 98 (11), e14792, 2019
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Articles 1–20