Explaining online shopping behavior with fsQCA: The role of cognitive and affective perceptions IO Pappas, PE Kourouthanassis, MN Giannakos, V Chrissikopoulos Journal of Business Research 69 (2), 794-803, 2016 | 532 | 2016 |
Tourists responses to mobile augmented reality travel guides: The role of emotions on adoption behavior P Kourouthanassis, C Boletsis, C Bardaki, D Chasanidou Pervasive and Mobile Computing 18, 71-87, 2015 | 390 | 2015 |
The interplay of online shopping motivations and experiential factors on personalized e-commerce: A complexity theory approach IO Pappas, PE Kourouthanassis, MN Giannakos, G Lekakos Telematics and informatics 34 (5), 730-742, 2017 | 288 | 2017 |
Introduction to the special issue mobile commerce: the past, present, and future of mobile commerce research PE Kourouthanassis, GM Giaglis International journal of electronic commerce 16 (4), 5-18, 2012 | 231 | 2012 |
Measuring service quality from unstructured data: A topic modeling application on airline passengers’ online reviews N Korfiatis, P Stamolampros, P Kourouthanassis, V Sagiadinos Expert Systems with Applications 116, 472-486, 2019 | 228 | 2019 |
Shiny happy people buying: the role of emotions on personalized e-shopping IO Pappas, PE Kourouthanassis, MN Giannakos, V Chrissikopoulos Electronic Markets 24, 193-206, 2014 | 221 | 2014 |
Demystifying the design of mobile augmented reality applications PE Kourouthanassis, C Boletsis, G Lekakos Multimedia Tools and Applications 74, 1045-1066, 2015 | 185 | 2015 |
Towards a classification framework for mobile location based services GM Giaglis, P Kourouthanassis, A Tsamakos Mobile commerce: technology, theory and applications, 67-85, 2003 | 185 | 2003 |
Developing consumer-friendly pervasive retail systems P Kourouthanassis, G Roussos IEEE Pervasive Computing 2 (02), 32-39, 2003 | 182 | 2003 |
Sense and sensibility in personalized e‐commerce: How emotions rebalance the purchase intentions of persuaded customers IO Pappas, PE Kourouthanassis, MN Giannakos, V Chrissikopoulos Psychology & Marketing 34 (10), 972-986, 2017 | 153 | 2017 |
Enhancing user experience through pervasive information systems: The case of pervasive retailing PE Kourouthanassis, GM Giaglis, AP Vrechopoulos International Journal of Information Management 27 (5), 319-335, 2007 | 124 | 2007 |
On the potential use of mobile positioning technologies in indoor environments K Fouskas, G Giaglis, P Kourouthanassis, A Pateli, A Tsamakos BLED 2002 Proceedings, 33, 2002 | 111 | 2002 |
Flying to quality: Cultural influences on online reviews P Stamolampros, N Korfiatis, P Kourouthanassis, E Symitsi Journal of Travel Research 58 (3), 496-511, 2019 | 108 | 2019 |
A case study in pervasive retail G Roussos, J Tuominen, L Koukara, O Seppala, P Kourouthanasis, ... Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Mobile commerce, 90-94, 2002 | 87 | 2002 |
Explaining travellers online information satisfaction: A complexity theory approach on information needs, barriers, sources and personal characteristics PE Kourouthanassis, P Mikalef, IO Pappas, P Kostagiolas Information & Management 54 (6), 814-824, 2017 | 84 | 2017 |
Explaining user experience in mobile gaming applications: an fsQCA approach IO Pappas, P Mikalef, MN Giannakos, PE Kourouthanassis Internet Research 29 (2), 293-314, 2019 | 80 | 2019 |
Deploying RFID-enabled services in the retail supply chain: Lessons learned toward the internet of things C Bardaki, P Kourouthanassis, K Pramatari Information Systems Management 29 (3), 233-245, 2012 | 80 | 2012 |
Intelligent cokes and diapers: MyGrocer ubiquitous computing environment P Kourouthanassis, D Spinellis, G Roussos, GM Giaglis First International Mobile Business Conference, 150-172, 2002 | 75 | 2002 |
A roadmap for research in mobile business KG Fouskas, GM Giaglis, PE Kourouthanassis, S Karnouskos, A Pitsillides, ... International Journal of Mobile Communications 3 (4), 350-373, 2005 | 62 | 2005 |
Work-related factors influencing doctors search behaviors and trust toward medical information resources P Kostagiolas, N Korfiatis, P Kourouthanasis, G Alexias International Journal of Information Management 34 (2), 80-88, 2014 | 56 | 2014 |