Jonathan Hogg
Jonathan Hogg
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
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Cited by
Design of a multicore sparse Cholesky factorization using DAGs
JD Hogg, JK Reid, JA Scott
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 32 (6), 3627, 2010
A synchronization-free algorithm for parallel sparse triangular solves
W Liu, A Li, J Hogg, IS Duff, B Vinter
Euro-Par 2016: Parallel Processing: 22nd International Conference on …, 2016
HSL_MA97: a bit-compatible multifrontal code for sparse symmetric systems
JD Hogg, JA Scott
Science and Technology Facilities Council, 2011
Fast synchronization‐free algorithms for parallel sparse triangular solves with multiple right‐hand sides
W Liu, A Li, JD Hogg, IS Duff, B Vinter
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 29 (21), e4244, 2017
A structure-conveying modelling language for mathematical and stochastic programming
M Colombo, A Grothey, J Hogg, K Woodsend, J Gondzio
Mathematical Programming Computation 1, 223-247, 2009
Replicated Computational Results (RCR) Report for A Sparse Symmetric Indefinite Direct Solver for GPU Architectures
ET Bavier
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 42 (1), 2, 2016
A proposed API for batched basic linear algebra subprograms
J Dongarra, I Duff, M Gates, A Haidar, S Hammarling, NJ Higham, J Hogg, ...
Manchester Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Manchester, 2016
A fast and robust mixed-precision solver for the solution of sparse symmetric linear systems
JD Hogg, JA Scott
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 37 (2), 1-24, 2010
New parallel sparse direct solvers for multicore architectures
J Hogg, J Scott
Algorithms 6 (4), 702-725, 2013
Pivoting strategies for tough sparse indefinite systems
JD Hogg, JA Scott
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 40 (1), 1-19, 2013
The effects of scalings on the performance of a sparse symmetric indefinite solver
JD Hogg, JA Scott
Technical Report RAL-TR-2008-007, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, 2008
A DAG-based parallel Cholesky factorization for multicore systems
JD Hogg
Technical Report RAL-TR-2008-029, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, 2008
An indefinite sparse direct solver for large problems on multicore machines
JD Hogg, JA Scott
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Technical Reports, 2010
A New Sparse Solver Using A Posteriori Threshold Pivoting
I Duff, J Hogg, F Lopez
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42 (2), C23-C42, 2020
On the use of suboptimal matchings for scaling and ordering sparse symmetric matrices
J Hogg, J Scott
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 22 (4), 648-663, 2015
A note on the solve phase of a multicore solver
JD Hogg, JA Scott
RAL-TR-2010-007, 2010
A proposed API for batched basic linear algebra subprograms. MIMS EPrint 2016.25
J Dongarra, I Duff, M Gates, A Haidar, S Hammarling, NJ Higham, J Hogg, ...
Manchester Institute for Mathematical Sciences, The University of Manchester, UK, 2016
A new sparse symmetric indefinite solver using a posteriori threshold pivoting
IS Duff, JD Hogg, F Lopez
NLAFET Working Note, 2018
Compressed threshold pivoting for sparse symmetric indefinite systems
JD Hogg, JA Scott
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 35 (2), 783-817, 2014
A fast dense triangular solve in CUDA
JD Hogg
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (3), C303-C322, 2013
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Articles 1–20