Kristian Behrens
Kristian Behrens
Professor of Economics, ESG-UQAM, Canada; and CEPR
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Productive cities: Sorting, selection, and agglomeration
K Behrens, G Duranton, F Robert-Nicoud
Journal of Political Economy 122 (3), 507-553, 2014
Trade crisis? What trade crisis?
K Behrens, G Corcos, G Mion
Review of economics and statistics 95 (2), 702-709, 2013
Countries, regions and trade: On the welfare impacts of economic integration
K Behrens, C Gaigné, GIP Ottaviano, JF Thisse
European Economic Review 51 (5), 1277-1301, 2007
General equilibrium models of monopolistic competition: a new approach
K Behrens, Y Murata
Journal of Economic theory 136 (1), 776-787, 2007
Regional economics: A new economic geography perspective
K Behrens, JF Thisse
Regional Science and Urban Economics 37 (4), 457-465, 2007
Beyond the home market effect: Market size and specialization in a multi-country world
K Behrens, AR Lamorgese, GIP Ottaviano, T Tabuchi
Journal of International Economics 79 (2), 259-265, 2009
Survival of the fittest in cities: Urbanisation and inequality
K Behrens, F Robert‐Nicoud
The Economic Journal 124 (581), 1371-1400, 2014
Agglomeration theory with heterogenous agents
K Behrens, F Robert-Nicoud
Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics 5, 171-245, 2015
‘Dual’gravity: Using spatial econometrics to control for multilateral resistance
K Behrens, C Ertur, W Koch
Journal of Applied Econometrics 27 (5), 773-794, 2012
Transportation, freight rates, and economic geography
K Behrens, PM Picard
Journal of International Economics 85 (2), 280-291, 2011
Trade, wages, and productivity
K Behrens, G Mion, Y Murata, J Südekum
International Economic Review 55 (4), 1305-1348, 2014
Changes in transport and non-transport costs: Local vs global impacts in a spatial network
K Behrens, AR Lamorgese, GIP Ottaviano, T Tabuchi
Regional Science and Urban Economics 37 (6), 625-648, 2007
Is remoteness a locational disadvantage?
K Behrens, C Gaigne, GIP Ottaviano, JF Thisse
Journal of Economic Geography 6 (3), 347-368, 2006
Spatial frictions
K Behrens, G Mion, Y Murata, J Suedekum
Journal of Urban Economics 97, 40-70, 2017
International integration and regional inequalities: How important is national infrastructure?*
K Behrens
The Manchester School 79 (5), 952-971, 2011
Industry location and welfare when transport costs are endogenous
K Behrens, C Gaigné, JF Thisse
Journal of Urban Economics 65 (2), 195-208, 2009
Working from home: Too much of a good thing?
K Behrens, S Kichko, JF Thisse
Regional Science and Urban Economics 105, 103990, 2024
Trade, competition, and efficiency
K Behrens, Y Murata
Journal of International Economics 87 (1), 1-17, 2012
An anatomy of the geographical concentration of Canadian manufacturing industries
K Behrens, T Bougna
Regional Science and Urban Economics 51, 47-69, 2015
Quantifying the gap between equilibrium and optimum under monopolistic competition
K Behrens, G Mion, Y Murata, J Suedekum
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 135 (4), 2299-2360, 2020
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