Hans Tompits
Hans Tompits
Associate Professor of Computer Science, Vienna University of Technology
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Combining answer set programming with description logics for the semantic web
T Eiter, G Ianni, T Lukasiewicz, R Schindlauer, H Tompits
Artificial intelligence 172 (12-13), 1495-1539, 2008
A uniform integration of higher-order reasoning and external evaluations in answer-set programming
T Eiter, G Ianni, R Schindlauer, H Tompits
IJCAI 5, 90-96, 2005
A framework for compiling preferences in logic programs
JP Delgrande, T Schaub, H Tompits
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 3 (2), 129-187, 2003
Solving advanced reasoning tasks using quantified boolean formulas
U Egly, T Eiter, H Tompits, S Woltran
AAAI/IAAI, 417-422, 2000
Effective integration of declarative rules with external evaluations for semantic-web reasoning
T Eiter, G Ianni, R Schindlauer, H Tompits
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 3rd European Semantic Web …, 2006
A classification and survey of preference handling approaches in nonmonotonic reasoning
J Delgrande, T Schaub, H Tompits, K Wang
Computational Intelligence 20 (2), 308-334, 2004
On properties of update sequences based on causal rejection
T Eiter, M Fink, G Sabbatini, H Tompits
Theory and Practice of Logic programming 2 (6), 711-767, 2002
Reasoning with rules and ontologies
T Eiter, G Ianni, A Polleres, R Schindlauer, H Tompits
Reasoning Web: Second International Summer School 2006, Lisbon, Portugal …, 2006
A meta-programming technique for debugging answer-set programs.
M Gebser, J Pührer, T Schaub, H Tompits
AAAI 8, 448-453, 2008
Simplifying logic programs under uniform and strong equivalence
T Eiter, M Fink, H Tompits, S Woltran
International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 87-99, 2004
Encodings for equilibrium logic and logic programs with nested expressions
D Pearce, H Tompits, S Woltran
Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 306-320, 2001
On solution correspondences in answer-set programming
T Eiter, H Tompits, S Woltran
IJCAI 5, 97-102, 2005
Well-founded semantics for description logic programs in the semantic web
T Eiter, T Lukasiewicz, R Schindlauer, H Tompits
International Workshop on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic …, 2004
Modularity aspects of disjunctive stable models
T Janhunen, E Oikarinen, H Tompits, S Woltran
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 35, 813-857, 2009
Catching the ouroboros: On debugging non-ground answer-set programs
J Oetsch, J Pührer, H Tompits
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 10 (4-6), 513-529, 2010
Embedding nonground logic programs into autoepistemic logic for knowledge-base combination
JD Bruijn, T Eiter, A Polleres, H Tompits
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 12 (3), 1-39, 2011
Debugging ASP programs by means of ASP
M Brain, M Gebser, J Pührer, T Schaub, H Tompits, S Woltran
International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 31-43, 2007
Dijkstra's algorithm with Fibonacci heaps: An executable description in CHR
J Sneyers, T Schrijvers, B Demoen
CW Reports, 13-13, 2005
Logic programs with compiled preferences
JP Delgrande, T Schaub, H Tompits
arXiv preprint cs/0003028, 2000
Considerations on updates of logic programs
T Eiter, M Fink, G Sabbatini, H Tompits
Logics in Artificial Intelligence: European Workshop, JELIA 2000 Málaga …, 2000
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Articles 1–20