Ashutosh Prasad
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Cited by
Cooperative advertising and pricing in a dynamic stochastic supply chain: Feedback Stackelberg strategies
X He, A Prasad, SP Sethi
Production and Operations Management 18 (1), 78-94, 2009
Advance selling by a newsvendor retailer
A Prasad, KE Stecke, X Zhao
Production and Operations Management 20 (1), 129-142, 2011
Generic and brand advertising strategies in a dynamic duopoly
FM Bass, A Krishnamoorthy, A Prasad, SP Sethi
Marketing Science 24 (4), 556-568, 2005
A survey of Stackelberg differential game models in supply and marketing channels
X He, A Prasad, SP Sethi, GJ Gutierrez
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering 16, 385-413, 2007
Competitive advertising under uncertainty: A stochastic differential game approach
A Prasad, SP Sethi
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 123, 163-185, 2004
Advertising versus pay-per-view in electronic media
A Prasad, V Mahajan, B Bronnenberg
International Journal of Research in Marketing 20 (1), 13-30, 2003
Optimal bundling of technological products with network externality
A Prasad, R Venkatesh, V Mahajan
Management Science 56 (12), 2224-2236, 2010
Building brand awareness in dynamic oligopoly markets
PA Naik, A Prasad, SP Sethi
Management Science 54 (1), 129-138, 2008
Centralized pricing versus delegating pricing to the salesforce under information asymmetry
BK Mishra, A Prasad
Marketing Science 23 (1), 21-27, 2004
How consumers use product reviews in the purchase decision process
S Jang, A Prasad, BT Ratchford
Marketing Letters 23 (3), 825-838, 2012
Retail competition and cooperative advertising
X He, A Krishnamoorthy, A Prasad, SP Sethi
Operations Research Letters 39 (1), 11-16, 2011
How many pirates should a software firm tolerate? An analysis of piracy protection on the diffusion of software
A Prasad, V Mahajan
International Journal of Research in Marketing 20 (4), 337-353, 2003
Optimal advertising and pricing in a new-product adoption model
SP Sethi, A Prasad, X He
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 139 (2), 351-360, 2008
Optimal pricing and advertising in a durable-good duopoly
A Krishnamoorthy, A Prasad, SP Sethi
European Journal of Operational Research 200 (2), 486-497, 2010
Delegating pricing decisions in competitive markets with symmetric and asymmetric information
BK Mishra, A Prasad
Marketing Science 24 (3), 490-497, 2005
What can grocery basket data tell us about health consciousness?
A Prasad, A Strijnev, Q Zhang
International Journal of Research in Marketing 25 (4), 301-309, 2008
Product entry timing in dual distribution channels: The case of the movie industry
A Prasad, B Bronnenberg, V Mahajan
Review of Marketing Science 2 (1), 0000102202154656161008, 2004
Lead time and price quotation mode selection: Uniform or differentiated?
X Zhao, KE Stecke, A Prasad
Production and Operations Management 21 (1), 177-193, 2012
Open source versus closed source: software quality in monopoly and competitive markets
S Raghunathan, A Prasad, BK Mishra, H Chang
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A 35 (6), 903-918, 2005
Harvesting altruism in open-source software development
E Haruvy, A Prasad, SP Sethi
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 118, 381-416, 2003
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Articles 1–20