Mart Jüssi
Mart Jüssi
Pro Mare, Estonia
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Climate change in the Baltic Sea region: a summary
HEM Meier, M Kniebusch, C Dieterich, M Gröger, E Zorita, R Elmgren, ...
Earth System Dynamics 13 (1), 457-593, 2022
Thyroid hormone status in gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) pups from the baltic sea and the atlantic ocean in relation to organochlorine pollutants
EG Sørmo, I Jussi, M Jussi, M Braathen, JU Skaare, BJM Jenssen
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 24 (3), 610-616, 2005
Photo-identification, site fidelity, and movement of female gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) between haul-outs in the Baltic Sea
O Karlsson, L Hiby, T Lundberg, M Jüssi, I Jüssi, B Helander
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 34 (8), 628-634, 2005
Population size and distribution of the Baltic ringed seal (Phoca hispida botnica)
T Härkönen, O Stenman, M Jüssi, I Jüssi, R Sagitov, M Verevkin
NAMMCO Scientific Publications 1, 167-180, 1998
Decreasing ice coverage will reduce the breeding success of Baltic grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) females
M Jüssi, T Härkönen, E Helle, I Jüssi
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 37 (2), 80-85, 2008
Estimates of the size of the Baltic grey seal population based on photo-identification data
L Hiby, T Lundberg, O Karlsson, J Watkins, M Jüssi, I Jüssi, B Helander
NAMMCO scientific publications 6, 163-175, 2007
Pup production and breeding distribution of the Caspian seal (Phoca caspica) in relation to human impacts
T Harkonen, M Jüssi, M Baimukanov, A Bignert, L Dmitrieva, ...
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 37 (5), 356-361, 2008
Seasonal activity budget of adult Baltic ringed seals
T Harkonen, M Jüssi, I Jüssi, M Verevkin, L Dmitrieva, E Helle, R Sagitov, ...
PLoS One 3 (4), e2006, 2008
Assessment of impacts and potential mitigation for icebreaking vessels transiting pupping areas of an ice-breeding seal
SC Wilson, I Trukhanova, L Dmitrieva, E Dolgova, I Crawford, ...
Biological Conservation 214, 213-222, 2017
Microsatellite and mtDNA analysis of the population structure of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) from three breeding areas in the Baltic Sea
JA Graves, A Helyar, M Biuw, M Jüssi, I Jüssi, O Karlsson
Conservation Genetics 10, 59-68, 2009
Climate change in the Baltic Sea region: a summary, Earth Syst. Dynam., 13, 457–593
HEM Meier, M Kniebusch, C Dieterich, M Gröger, E Zorita, R Elmgren, ...
Individual variation in seasonal movements and foraging strategies of a land-locked, ice-breeding pinniped
SJG L Dmitrieva, M Jüssi, I Jüssi, Y Kasymbekov, M Verevkin, M Baimukanov, S ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2016
Inter-year variation in pup production of Caspian seals Pusa caspica 2005 2012 determined from aerial surveys
L Dmitrieva, T Härkönen, M Baimukanov, A Bignert, I Jüssi, M Jüssi, ...
Endangered Species Research 28 (3), 209-223, 2015
Polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in baltic and atlantic gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) pups
EG Sørmo, JU Skaare, I JÜSsi, M JÜSsi, BØRM Jenssen
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 22 (11 …, 2003
Climate change in the Baltic Sea: 2021 fact sheet
M Ahola, L Bergström, M Blomqvist, D Boedeker, F Börgel, I Carlén, ...
Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, 2021
Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Region: A Summary, Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss
HEM Meier, M Kniebusch, C Dieterich, M Gröger, E Zorita, R Elmgren, ...
Numbers of grey seals counted in censuses in the Baltic Sea, 2000-2004
A Halkka, E Helle, B Helander, I Jüssi, M Jüssi, O Karlsson, M Soikkeli, ...
Symposium on Biology and Management of Seals in the Baltic area. Kala-ja …, 2005
The Baltic ringed seal–an Arctic seal in European water
A Halkka, P Tolvanen, M Ahola, I Jüssi, M Jüssi, M Kunnasranta, A Laine, ...
WWF Finland report 36, 2017
Numbers of grey seals counted in censuses in the Baltic Sea, 2000-2004. Abstract
A Halkka, E Helle, B Helander, I Jüssi, M Jüssi, O Karlsson, M Soikkeli, ...
Symposium on the biology and management of seals in the Baltic Area, 15-18, 2005
Action plan for grey seals in Estonia 2001–2005
I Jüssi, M Jüssi
Estonian Game 7, 3-60, 2001
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Articles 1–20