Samuel A Swift
Samuel A Swift
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Psychological strategies for winning a geopolitical forecasting tournament
B Mellers, L Ungar, J Baron, J Ramos, B Gurcay, K Fincher, SE Scott, ...
Psychological science 25 (5), 1106-1115, 2014
Distilling the wisdom of crowds: Prediction markets vs. prediction polls
P Atanasov, P Rescober, E Stone, SA Swift, E Servan-Schreiber, ...
Management science 63 (3), 691-706, 2017
Confidence calibration in a multiyear geopolitical forecasting competition
DA Moore, SA Swift, A Minster, B Mellers, L Ungar, P Tetlock, HHJ Yang, ...
Management Science 63 (11), 3552-3565, 2017
Correspondence bias in performance evaluation: Why grade inflation works
DA Moore, SA Swift, ZS Sharek, F Gino
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36 (6), 843-852, 2010
Inflated applicants: Attribution errors in performance evaluation by professionals
SA Swift, DA Moore, ZS Sharek, F Gino
PLoS One 8 (7), e69258, 2013
The three faces of overconfidence in organizations
D Moore, SA Swift
Social psychology and organizations, 179-216, 2011
Bluffing, agonism, and the role of overconfidence in negotiation
SA Swift, DA Moore
The Oxford handbook of economic conflict resolution, 266-278, 2012
Talking the Value out of the Deal: Self-Perception and the Subjective Value of Negotiated Outcomes
SA Swift, L Babcock, T Cohen, J Minson, D Moore
On the Robustness and Generality of the Correspondence Bias
ZS Sharek, SA Swift, DA Moore
Available at SSRN 2305876, 2010
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