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Cited by
Towards a low-carbon society: A review of lithium resource availability, challenges and innovations in mining, extraction and recycling, and future perspectives
CB Tabelin, J Dallas, S Casanova, T Pelech, G Bournival, S Saydam, ...
Minerals Engineering 163, 106743, 2021
The environmental impact of emissions from space launches: A comprehensive review
JA Dallas, S Raval, JPA Gaitan, S Saydam, AG Dempster
Journal of Cleaner Production 255, 120209, 2020
Unified size-effect law for intact rock
H Masoumi, S Saydam, PC Hagan
International Journal of Geomechanics 16 (2), 04015059, 2016
An analytical model of the load transfer behavior of fully grouted cable bolts
J Chen, S Saydam, PC Hagan
Construction and Building Materials 101, 1006-1015, 2015
Alternative techniques for forecasting mineral commodity prices
CAT Cortez, S Saydam, J Coulton, C Sammut
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 28 (2), 309-322, 2018
Effects of environmental factors on stress corrosion cracking of cold-drawn high-carbon steel wires
S Wu, H Chen, HL Ramandi, PC Hagan, A Crosky, S Saydam
Corrosion Science 132, 234-243, 2018
Parametric study of rockbolt shear behaviour by double shear test
L Li, PC Hagan, S Saydam, B Hebblewhite, Y Li
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 49, 4787-4797, 2016
Investigations into the corrosive environments contributing to premature failure of Australian coal mine rock bolts
P Craig, S Serkan, P Hagan, B Hebblewhite, D Vandermaat, A Crosky, ...
International journal of mining science and technology 26 (1), 59-64, 2016
Non-linear flow behaviour of rough fractures having standard JRC profiles
M Zoorabadi, S Saydam, W Timms, B Hebblewhite
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 76, 192-199, 2015
Mining beyond earth for sustainable development: Will humanity benefit from resource extraction in outer space?
JA Dallas, S Raval, JPA Gaitan, S Saydam, AG Dempster
Acta Astronautica 167, 181-188, 2020
Management of floor heave at Bulga Underground Operations–A case study
S Mo, K Tutuk, S Saydam
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 29 (1), 73-78, 2019
Load transfer behavior of fully grouted cable bolts reinforced in weak rocks under tensile loading conditions
J Chen, PC Hagan, S Saydam
Geotechnical Testing Journal 39 (2), 252-263, 2016
An experimental framework for simulating stress corrosion cracking in cable bolts
S Wu, H Chen, P Craig, HL Ramandi, W Timms, PC Hagan, A Crosky, ...
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 76, 121-132, 2018
Examination of rockbolt stress corrosion cracking utilising full size rockbolts in a controlled mine environment
D Vandermaat, S Saydam, PC Hagan, AG Crosky
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 81, 86-95, 2016
Numerical and analytical simulation of the structural behaviour of fully grouted cable bolts under impulsive loading
F Tahmasebinia, C Zhang, I Canbulat, O Vardar, S Saydam
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 28 (5), 807-811, 2018
Shear resistance contribution of support systems in double shear test
L Li, PC Hagan, S Saydam, B Hebblewhite
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 56, 168-175, 2016
A constitutive model for load-displacement performance of modified cable bolts
D Li, H Masoumi, S Saydam, PC Hagan
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 68, 95-105, 2017
A numerical investigation into floor buckling mechanisms in underground coal mine roadways
S Mo, P Sheffield, P Corbett, HL Ramandi, J Oh, I Canbulat, S Saydam
Tunnelling and underground space technology 103, 103497, 2020
Mineralogically influenced stress corrosion cracking of rockbolts and cable bolts in underground mines
S Wu, HL Ramandi, H Chen, A Crosky, P Hagan, S Saydam
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 119, 109-116, 2019
A new coal mine floor rating system and its application to assess the potential of floor heave
S Mo, HL Ramandi, J Oh, H Masoumi, I Canbulat, B Hebblewhite, ...
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 128, 104241, 2020
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Articles 1–20