Takashi Kanai
Cited by
Cited by
Metamorphosis of arbitrary triangular meshes
T Kanai, H Suzuki, F Kimura
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20 (2), 62-75, 2000
Subdivision surface fitting to a range of points
H Suzuki, S Takeuchi, T Kanai
Proceedings. Seventh pacific conference on computer graphics and …, 1999
Approximate shortest path on a polyhedral surface and its applications
T Kanai, H Suzuki
Computer-Aided Design 33 (11), 801-811, 2001
Three-dimensional geometric metamorphosis based on harmonic maps
T Kanai, H Suzuki, F Kimura
The Visual Computer 14 (4), 166-176, 1998
Interactive mesh fusion based on local 3D metamorphosis
T Kanai, H Suzuki, J Mitani, F Kimura
Graphics interface 99, 148-156, 1999
3D geometric metamorphosis based on harmonic map
T Kanai, H Suzuki, F Kimura
Proceedings The Fifth Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and …, 1997
Multiresolution interpolation meshes
T Michikawa, T Kanai, M Fujita, H Chiyokura
Proceedings Ninth Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications …, 2001
Approximate shortest path on a polyhedral surface based on selective refinement of the discrete graph and its applications
T Kanai, H Suzuki
Proceedings Geometric Modeling and Processing 2000. Theory and Applications …, 2000
Subdivision surface fitting with QEM-based mesh simplification and reconstruction of approximated B-spline surfaces
S Takeuchi, T Kanai, H Suzuki, K Shimada, F Kimura
Proceedings the Eighth Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and …, 2000
Interactive mesh dragging with adaptive remeshing technique
H Suzuki, Y Sakurai, T Kanai, F Kimura
Proceedings Pacific Graphics' 98. Sixth Pacific Conference on Computer …, 1998
Directable animation of elastic objects
R Kondo, T Kanai, K Anjyo
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on computer …, 2005
MeshToSS: Converting Subdivision Surfaces from Dense Meshes.
T Kanai
VMV, 325-332, 2001
Hardware-Assisted Relief Texture Mapping.
M Fujita, T Kanai
Eurographics (Short Presentations), 2002
Gpu-based rendering of sparse low-degree implicit surfaces
T Kanai, Y Ohtake, H Kawata, K Kase
Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Computer graphics and …, 2006
Segmentation of unbalanced and in-homogeneous point clouds and its application to 3D scanned trees
J Morel, A Bac, T Kanai
The Visual Computer 36 (10), 2419-2431, 2020
Hierarchical error-driven approximation of implicit surfaces from polygonal meshes
T Kanai, Y Ohtake, K Kase
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 256, 21-30, 2006
Out-of-Core Framework for QEM-based Mesh Simplification.
H Ozaki, F Kyota, T Kanai
EGPGV@ EuroVis, 87-96, 2015
Quantification of neurocranial shape variation using the shortest paths connecting pairs of anatomical landmarks
Y Morita, N Ogihara, T Kanai, H Suzuki
American journal of physical anthropology 151 (4), 658-666, 2013
A robust and centered curve skeleton extraction from 3D point cloud
V Sam, H Kawata, T Kanai
Computer-Aided Design and Applications 9 (6), 869-879, 2012
Surface quality assessment of subdivision surfaces on programmable graphics hardware
Y Yasui, T Kanai
Proceedings Shape Modeling Applications, 2004., 129-138, 2004
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Articles 1–20