Marco Paccagnella
Marco Paccagnella
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Evaluating students’ evaluations of professors
M Braga, M Paccagnella, M Pellizzari
Economics of Education Review 41, 71-88, 2014
Mitigating the work-safety trade-off
T Boeri, A Caiumi, M Paccagnella
Covid Economics 2 (8), 60-66, 2020
Family background, self-confidence and economic outcomes
A Filippin, M Paccagnella
Economics of Education Review 31 (5), 824-834, 2012
Skills Matter: Further Results from the Survey of Adult Skills. OECD Skills Studies.
M Kankaraš, G Montt, M Paccagnella, G Quintini, W Thorn
OECD Publishing, 2016
Age, ageing and skills: Results from the survey of adult skills
M Paccagnella
OECD, 2016
Leveraging process data to assess adults’ problem-solving skills: Using sequence mining to identify behavioral patterns across digital tasks
Q He, F Borgonovi, M Paccagnella
Computers & Education 166, 104170, 2021
Unsafe jobs, labour market risk and social protection
G Basso, T Boeri, A Caiumi, M Paccagnella
Economic Policy 37 (110), 229-267, 2022
The evolution of gender gaps in numeracy and literacy between childhood and young adulthood
F Borgonovi, Á Choi, M Paccagnella
Economics of Education Review 82, 102119, 2021
School cheating and social capital
M Paccagnella, P Sestito
Education Economics 22 (4), 367-388, 2014
The impact of college teaching on students’ academic and labor market outcomes
M Braga, M Paccagnella, M Pellizzari
Journal of Labor Economics 34 (3), 781-822, 2016
Skills and wage inequality: Evidence from PIAAC
M Paccagnella
OECD, 2015
A meeting report: cross-cultural comparability of questionnaire measures in large-scale international surveys
F Avvisati, N Le Donné, M Paccagnella
Measurement instruments for the Social Sciences 1, 1-10, 2019
Literacy and Numeracy Proficiency in IALS, ALL and PIAAC
M Paccagnella
OECD, 2016
Bullied because younger than my mates? The effect of age rank on victimisation at school
RM Ballatore, M Paccagnella, M Tonello
Labour Economics 62, 101772, 2020
L’industria meridionale e la crisi (Industry in the South of Italy and the Crisis)
R Bronzini, L Cannari, A Staderini, L Conti, L D'Aurizio, A Fabbrini, ...
Bank of Italy Occasional Paper, 2013
Youth in transition: How do some of the cohorts participating in PISA fare in PIAAC?
F Borgonovi, A Pokropek, F Keslair, B Gauly, M Paccagnella
OECD, 2017
Gender Complementarities in the Labor Market
G De Giorgi, M Paccagnella, M Pellizzari
Gender Convergence in the Labor Market, 2015
Tasks, occupations and wages in OECD countries
T Agasisti, G Johnes, M Paccagnella
International Labour Review 160 (1), 85-112, 2021
La difficile programmazione delle infrastrutture in Italia
P Casadio, M Paccagnella
Banca d’Italia, 2011
Assessing adults’ skills on a global scale: A joint analysis of results from PIAAC and STEP
F Keslair, M Paccagnella
OECD, 2020
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